Author Topic: transitioning to 4hr easy when DS doesn't take a dream feed  (Read 771 times)

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Offline doranamy

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transitioning to 4hr easy when DS doesn't take a dream feed
« on: November 05, 2007, 11:30:54 am »
Firstly apologies if this has been posted before but I don't have too much time to navigate the site at the moment (nap issues!) :(. My lovely baby boy is 3 months old and we have recently transitioned him on to a 3.5 hour easy as he wasn't hungry at the three hour mark. He is a very tall baby and weighs around 14lbs. He ahs always followed EASY like a dream. At the moment his schedule is eat at 7,10.30,2,5.30 and 7.30. We are working on his naps but he is roughly sleeping 1.5 hours at 8.30 and 12 with a 1 hour nap at 3.30. From the off he never took a dream feed. He would take an oz and then wake frequently during the night with wind etc. we stopped giving it when he was around 6 weeks old and this coincided with him dropping a night feed so he was feeding at 7.30 and sleeping through until 6 (I know he is an angel). I wasn't worried about this as I always ensured that he had taken enough oz during the day for his weight working on the 2.5 oz per lb that the Health visitor recommended. I am worried about him transitioning to 4hours. Currently he takes between 6-7 oz per feed five times a day totalling between 31-34 oz. When he transitions to a 4 hour EASY even 8 oz per bottle will mean that he only takes 32 oz per day which is less that he is on now. I really don't want to give a dream feed and ruin his sleep for him. He was so cranky with the DF. Obviously I will if he needs it but I was wondering if there was any other way we could get his oz in to him? I thought about cluster feeding as he seems happy to take more in the evening. so 7,11,3,5 and 7. Does any one have any ideas?
Many thanks

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Re: transitioning to 4hr easy when DS doesn't take a dream feed
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2007, 13:15:14 pm »
hi there

I think you could first try and see if 4hrs EASY affects his night time sleep and if you see it does, then I suggest you give DF another try. no later than at 11pm.
I'm writing this because in BWSAYP Tracy has written:
"Some infants are harder to tank up than others. They might take early evening feed but not take a dream feed. If that describes your baby, concentrate on the dream feed only."

It can be hard to teach your baby to take DF but it's achivable- and I know because my dd would not take a DF at all until she was some 4,5months and I decided I'd had enough of 1 or 2am feed and worked on DF. and it did work, she was sleeping through and we were both happy.

good luck

Maja - 6 yrs
Nina - 27.11.2012 :)

Offline grahamsmama

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Re: transitioning to 4hr easy when DS doesn't take a dream feed
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2007, 15:26:18 pm »
Don't worry.  You don't need to transition him to a 4 hour EASY unless he needs to be.  If you transitioned him to the 3.5 EASY with no trouble, wait until he doesn't seem hungry at this point and transition to 3.75 EASY.  Do this all slowly and see how he does. I don't think they grow as quickly as they get older and 32 ounces might be plenty.  If it isn't, you can either start a DF, clusterfeeding or starting cereal after 4 months.
For the time being, be glad that he's doing so great and just go with it!  If it isn't broken, don't fix it.   :)

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Re: transitioning to 4hr easy when DS doesn't take a dream feed
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2007, 17:27:50 pm »
HI,i dont have any new advice but i thought i would share my experience with you.We tried the DF with our lo as well and it worked for about week and then the night wakings started so we gave it up and did the cluster feed in the evening and he sleeps now from 730 to about 430am and has a feed and sleeps through until 730 or 8am in the morning.
Also my lo is 3.75 months and has just started a 3.5 hour easy and he only drinks 5-6oz per feed at best,so if your lo is taking 6-7 oz that sounds really good to me.As long as they are happy and growing,in my opinion,i wouldnt worry too much about that extra couple oz.

Hugs Christina