Author Topic: Simple curry recipe needed for 9 month old as different taste to usual foods  (Read 3734 times)

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Offline nenee

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Hi there iv looked in the recipe menus and cant find a simple chicken curry recip for my lo.  I feel i need to introduct spicy foods now as hes very use top his veg, meat and fish dinners he also loves spaghetti bolognese and pasta dishes so i feel the next progression is spicer meals but im a little scared and dont want to upset his tummy.  I use garlic onions and herbs in his pasta dishes and hes fine.  I would love a mild curry dish with maybe dried apricots (for vit a and iron) as an ingredient any ideas.  Also if i made the potato cakes in finger food ideas could i freeze them and toast them when needed?  Any other finger food ideas beside fruit veg and sandwiches would be very appreciated :D



Offline lisi's mum

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the quickest way would be to buy a ready made korma curry sauce (pataks make good ones) and then add what ever you want to it.

Finger food ideas:

Offline Freya'sMum

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Sorry for the delay, forgot to check this section for a couple of days ::)

If you're happy to introduce almonds, you can make a basic (not very authentic!) korma sauce very easily, not sure about quantities, but if you fry some onions, garlic and cardamon pods with ground cumin in some oil until soft, then add your meat and veg until cooked, then some ground almonds and natural yogurt, you have a korma (of sorts) - the girls like it anyway! Oh, take the cardamon pods out before you serve it, they're not for eating!

Alison x

Offline Aly Mac

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You could also make a good old fashioned curry, with white sauce and curry powder in it.  That way you can adjust the flavour.

Offline LORRIEc

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I have a really simple and yummy curried chick pea recipe.  Let me know if you want it, and I'll get the actual recipe for it (I've made it so often I don't use the recipe anymore, but it is somewhere.)