my LO is now 14 months and has been BW since he was 3 months old, as some will know i have had some issues with his sleep but most of the time he is a good sleeper.
On Sunday we went old for the morning but were back in time for his afternoon nap...this was when the screaming started, i tried to WIWO which normally works everytime but this time it just seem to back he worse

so in the end i held him until he was just dropping off then but him into the cot.
He then slept for about 30 mins woke up and i nursed him back to sleep for another 45 mins. This not how i normally do things as we normally just but him in his sleeping bag, sings his bedtime song and into cot, awake and happy.
OK sunday comes round and as soon as he is put into his cot...the screaming starts again, tried the WIWO again but again no success. So DH went in and nursed to sleep

so now DS has been nursed to sleep twice in the one day.....Monday he goes to Daycare who know not to pat or nurse him and he sleeps fine there

then Monday night and the screaming starts again, this time i left him cry for a little while longer just going in to let him know that i was still there and his screams turned to whining then to moans then to silence.
I haven't changed his routine in anyway and we wind down before bed with 3 stories so I'm not sure why he would be now screaming. I have checked for teeth and we gave painkillers last night, not that it really helped so any suggestions would be welcome...

sorry it's a bit long winded