Author Topic: How much sleep for a 2 year old?  (Read 1017 times)

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How much sleep for a 2 year old?
« on: November 15, 2007, 14:23:42 pm »
Hi ladies!

I know this isn't going to seem like a problem but I am confused.

Claire is sleeping more and more recently.  She went though a month where naps were shorter (1.5 hours) and night sleep was a bit shorter (11.5 hours) and I thought it was due to her growing up.  :'( Well, we moved and the child just wants to sleep and sleep.   ???  She has been going to bed a little later than I like but we are working at making it earlier each night. The trouble is that I have to wake her from her nap or it messes up bedtime. I was also trying to wake her at 8:00 am but it seems she really hates to be woken and it leaves me with a grumpy grump all morning. YUCK. Our routine looks like this
8:30 (well that is what time it is now and she is still sleeping)
1:00 nap ( I have to wake her at 3, the other day she almost slept till 4)
8:30 bedtime

Now, I had been waking in the morning at 8 but last night she had a wake at 5:40. Hmm,since she never wakes I thought that maybe she is just OT and really needs all this sleep? 

My questions, you ask?
How much sleep are your 2 year olds getting?
Should I keep waking for nap at 3 but letting her sleep in the morning? 
Is she sleeping too much and thus being more tired? 
Is 8:30 too late? I have read that the sleep before midnight is better sleep. I am trying to push this earlier as I would really like to get the day started before 9:00am.


Oh and HI LAYLA!
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Re: How much sleep for a 2 year old?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2007, 20:01:30 pm »
Well sasha really varies with her sleep now.normally her night is 11hrs but her nap can vary from 2hrs,1.5 hrs or no nap ::).

She quite often used to go through periods where she slept a lot (grwoth spurtt???),almost like she was accumalting sleep.

TBH i'd keep claire's routine as it keep nap 2 hrs etc.Usually if Sasha lays in then she won't have a nap which suits us but some people like to keep their routine the same.

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Re: How much sleep for a 2 year old?
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2007, 20:21:41 pm »
i agree a 2 hr nap sounds good, i think they do vary a lot at this age, T does :)

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Re: How much sleep for a 2 year old?
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2007, 20:30:56 pm »
my Luke sleeps from 8:30- 7:30 at night, then naps from 1:30-3:30.  Usually not less, but I'm often waking him up so he and his brother don't monkey around too much at bedtime. 

Some things you might want to think about that could be affecting Claire's sleep: 
--the move....all the new stuff and surroundings and new exploring and all could be frankly just so tiring to her
--change of season...I know for my kids when the time changed they slept more throughout a 24 hour period.  It's just different.  Also, on really rainy, wet days when it's just darker outiside, they could sleep all afternoon...just like me.   ;)
--Is she falling asleep right away?  I know that Luke can sometimes lay so still and quiet while trying to fall asleep, I think he's asleep only to check on him to make sure that he's covered and he's still awake!  Maybe she's taking longer to fall asleep than you know. 

Well, just some thoughts.  Otherwise, it could be one of those child mysteries that by the time you think you have it figured out she'll have it solved and on to the next mystery...   ;) ;D
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Re: How much sleep for a 2 year old?
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2007, 23:43:55 pm »
Thanks ladies.
She slept till 9:00 today after going to bed at 8:30.   :o  I just assumed that my 12 hour nights were soon coming to an end. Maybe not.  She slept 1 hour and 45 minutes today for her nap.  I bet you are right Sophie. It gets darker eariler and Jeff and I find ourselves being more tired than usual.  I guess moving from Eastern to Central on the same weekend that the clocks changed may have also had an impact. 

[img width= height=][/img]

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Re: How much sleep for a 2 year old?
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2007, 00:20:21 am »
My daughter (3 yrs) has always been a marathon sleeper.  She just needs more sleep.  Even now, she really sees her afternoon nap as a special treat and when I tell her it's time she happily goes to bed.  Her naps are always between 2.5 and 3.5 hrs--on rare occasions even longer! She sleeps about 10.5 (7:45-6:15) hrs. at night. 

One suggestion is to move her nap earlier.  If I get dd down for her nap by 12:30 she'll take a 2.5 hr nap and go to bed happily at 7:30.  If I push it back to 1 or later, she takes a longer nap and it runs into bedtime sleep.