Hi Everyone,
I haven't posted in a long time, but this site helped me train my son to nap well and sleep through the night at 3 months of age. He's now 20 months old and we've recently been having major issues with naps. He switched to one nap early - around 12 months (although probably could have switched even earlier). At night he used to sleep from 7 or 7:30 to around 7. Initially he was napping from 12-3, but a month or two ago he started taking short naps, 1-2 hours. I wouldn't mind if he was happy when he woke up, but sometimes he wakes up crying hysterically. It actually started with that, he'd wake up hysterical. This week he's only been sleeping about an hour for his naps. He's exhausted all afternoon and evening, has dark circles under his eyes, get super cranky, etc.
I am trying to figure out the cause. We did start potty training right before the nap issue began. Does anyone else have experience with toilet training affecting naps? His nighttime sleep is still okay (knock on wood) with the exception of earlier waking in the last couple weeks with the time change. Most people I have asked about the toilet training said they never heard of that being an issue. I know my son is pretty young to toilet train, but he's been really interested in it and doing pretty well with it. On one hand I'd hate to give that up, but the nap issue did start right after we started to train him and he really needs that sleep. I am pulling my hair out in the afternoons not having that little break.
I have experimented with our day time activities to see if that would help, but it hasn't seemed to make much difference. We did a lot outside over the summer, which might be why he slept so well then. We do activities out every morning now, but they are all indoors. I have experimented with the nap time, how much we do in the morning, staying in vs. going out, but it hasn't seemed to help. I may try a longer wind down routine and a different one to see if that helps. We have always done books, but my son LOVES books, reads all day, and gets very stimulated by them, so it may not be the best choice.
I guess the other issue is just toddler behavior I need to get used to... he has been much more temperamental in the last couple weeks, not listening, running away and laughing when I ask him to do things... the short nap makes for a very long day
I appreciate any advice you have to offer.