Hi guys
As Hughs A times have slowly extended, it has become quite apparent (and I reconfirmed by redoing the personality quiz) that he is touchy/grumpy.
He wakes I feed him (not always easy to do, sometimes he is touchy about it, sometimes grumpy). He is BF. Then I put him down to play on his mat a bit which he LOVES. for about 15 mins. Then he starts to squawk. Change of scenery/activity does not help. He only wants to be held, preferably by me, preferably while standing, and better yet whilst wearing the moby wrap. He is not tired at that time, if I try for a nap then, I fight him for AGES and he gets hysterical. He is OK in my arms, but still not a cooing smiling baby iykwim.
I believe he is ready for a nap at somewhere between 1.5-2 hours depending on the day, the last nap etc etc etc.
So, I just don't know what I can do to read him better - if he is constantly cranky, how can I work out when he is tired? When I do get the timing right, he goes down with no fuss, and does a decent nap. Right now we have loads of shorter naps, but I think it is the timing that is the issue there, and I don't know how to get that right. I am not trying to extend naps, he is only cranky if I try to make him go back to sleep otherwise the pattern is as I described above.
His nights are good, he has last feed at about 6, usually only 1 night feed, occasionally 2, and dpending on the timing of that feed gets up for the day between 6 and 8. No non-feed NW.
TIA, I hope someone can give me some ideas here.