Hi Karen! Ah, we always seem to be here with our sleep troubles huh? Not that I can offer much, but just to tell you what Cole has been up to.
He has never willingly napped! I have put my son to sleep every sleep period for 2.5 years. I can't remember when it started, but a few months ago he wouldn't even go near his crib for nap. It got to the point where we organize our day in such that we are driving home from errands when he'll fall asleep. for the first time this weekend I tried reading LOTS of books with him on the couch and he was getting drowsy. then DH put on a movie and he was asleep in about 10 minutes. He had woken at 7:30am and fell asleep at 2:30pm.
His "typical" schedule during the week, as he sleeps at daycare (
) is:
6:45-7:00 I wake him up (bizarre to think i have to wake him up now as he used to be 5:30 waker)
12:30/1:00-2:30 nap (school wakes him)
10:00 bed.
Cole needs to be awake 13 hours to fall asleep. I have tested and tested and tested this theory. If I *think* he should need more sleep (less sleep night before etc) he fights and fights and fights. I know I should likely cut his nap...but he doesn't always add it to night sleep. He used to, but not anymore. I am lucky right now to get 9 hour nights from 10-7. We have the dreaded molars coming in as well.
Did that help? Likely not. Except maybe to make you feel better you're not in my shoes