Author Topic: What is wrong (again!)? 2 Parents going nuts (again!!!)  (Read 732 times)

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What is wrong (again!)? 2 Parents going nuts (again!!!)
« on: November 26, 2007, 13:10:56 pm »
Hi there! My dd is 17 mo now (the time runs!) and she started, again, with night wakings. It is always arround the same time - between 1 and 2 am. We've tryed everything, so we think. What was working better was, when I heard her crying, I'd jump out of bed, go to her, tuck her in and say: Let's sleep. It's time to sleep. mommy is here". That worked for 2 or 3 nights, but she continues to wake and thet is nor working anymore. She wakes crying out loud, like she is scared, or something.
I'll post her dayly routine:

8am wake
8.30 milk and bread
8.45 going to gradma home (drive of 20 min.)
10.30 am morning snack (juice and fruit)
12.30am/1pm luch
1.15pm nap wake tea (yougurt and fruit/ milk and cerals)
6.30pm drive home
7pm/ 7.15 pm bath
7.30/7.45 dinner
8.30/8.45 bed time (storie /song + botlle of milk)

She has almost all of teeths, except from the molars in the back. We really are going nuts, because she would stay awake, crying for 1 or 2 hours. If we leave the rom she cryes like someone is killing her! We tryied the walk in/wlak out, but she cryes so much that we, sometimes, are afraid the she can breath right. She only calms down, after 1 hour or more with milk. If we give her milk before that she will not go to sleep again. Sometime we feel like she wants to cry, IKWIM?
Thanks for bearing with me! :) ???

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Re: What is wrong (again!)? 2 Parents going nuts (again!!!)
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2007, 08:17:15 am »
Hugs!!! & sorry you're going through a hard time with your lo at the moment,

It sounds like she's crying of pain... if you say you give her milk & she won't go back to sleep then probably something else is bothering her. Still, I would not be giving the milk... be it at the start of the crying episode or 1-2hrs later.

Jasmine has only just now finished teething (except for her 2nd yr molars).. has your dd teethed her canine/eye teeth? Those are particularly hard on them as well as molars (so does she have her 1st yr molars or not yet?). Have you tried giving her some pain meds to see if she will settle sooner? Could it be that she is coming down with something? How long since you sleep trained her & weaned the milk at night,... could it be regression???

If you eliminated teething/pain/illness then I would go back to what you were doing before where you go in, tuck her & say your night phrase & try to leave her. You could then count to 5 & go back again to repeat. If you are not comfortable doing the wi/wo method then you could try the gradual withdrawal method where you would stay with her when she wakes at night.... comfort her with your words & with every day move towards the door.

hth & let me know how you go

20/06/2012 - my angel baby