Author Topic: independent sleeper no more.  (Read 810 times)

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Offline legend_018

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independent sleeper no more.
« on: November 28, 2007, 01:45:16 am »
I know I wrote about this before. Chayse is still not going down on her own anymore. This has been going on since around November 13th or so. We moved her room downstairs November 10th and previous to that she was in the hospital for a few days due to an infection from a cat and also had a cold. but that is way way over with. she just wines and crys although it's never a real HARD cry. If I leave that is. The only thing she'll let me do is sit on the bottom stair way which is outside her door with her door open of course. I just get up and go run quick errands or go check my email to see if she'll let me. Sometimes she will for a few minutes hear and there and than she sits up and whines and crys.

What is the AVERAGE nap time for 19/20 month olds?
What is the average amount of sleep at night for this age?

Just wondering. I have been letting her stay up longer in the morning before her nap to see if that helps. but sometimes that causes a later bed time. She also in general has been waking up at least 1ce during the middle of the night.

definetely inconvenient with taking care of an almost 4 month old. Makes me think I taught her independent sleeping for nothing. crying it out since it's not Big huge crys has worked recently, but it's hard.
Chayse was born March 28, 2006
Chaunda was born August 13, 2007


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Re: independent sleeper no more.
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2007, 15:02:28 pm »
Is it possible to look at Chayses routine at the moment?

Not sure what you mean about the Crying it out???? do you mean its just a mantra cry?

Offline legend_018

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Re: independent sleeper no more.
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2007, 15:19:03 pm »
ya I think it's mostly a mantra cry but it goes on and on and on and on and sometimes escalated and she just sits there. mood has been ok although cranky and crying here and there. Well I don't know if I can include last night as an example since she was up for practically 2 hours. happy as a clam as long as I was in there but eyes wide open lying down. She just wouldn't go back to sleep. From 2:30am until around 4am. She was even closing her eyes and I thought she was sleeping and I left and within minutes she was sitting up and whining. She than woke up between 6 and 6:30am happy as a clam. Even if she gets up in the middle of the's usually anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes at the most.

Usually she wakes between 6 and 7am. I let her stay up anywhere between 5 and 6 hours. She's been staying up for at least 5 hours for a LONG time now before her nap. Than I let her stay up for another 5 to 6 hours and try not to let bed time (her being put into bed) past 8pm. She naps anywhere from an hour and half to 2 1/2 hours. Occasionly over 2 1/2 hours and occassionally only one hour. Only a few times has she not taking a nap at all.

She isn't eating very well these days, but she's always been a picky eater. She's been on 1 nap since she was 11 1/2 months old. She used to go to sleep on her own even if that meant playing for an hour before falling asleep.
Chayse was born March 28, 2006
Chaunda was born August 13, 2007


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Re: independent sleeper no more.
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2007, 19:27:54 pm »
Well if shes about 20 months she may be starting to get her 2nd year molars (if shes got her first already). That may be why she is not eating well at the moment.

My feeling is shes probably a little unsettled from her hospital stay, cold and possibly the new(ish) LO and wants a little more security from you.I honestly would try gradual removal.You have an advantage in that you are already out of the room.if possible stay until she has fallen asleep and try and move further away.

If thats not feasible then if you need to go off to attend to baby then just say something like "oh,i'm just getting a drink of water and then i'll be right back".that way she knows you will come back (believe me they understand an awful lot)

I know at this age i had to start limiting DDs nap to 2 hrs as it was impacting on her night rather than add more awake time i'd limit the nap.if she short naps then do an earlier bedtime.