Author Topic: naps of exactly 30 mins - help  (Read 711 times)

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Offline dizzy

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naps of exactly 30 mins - help
« on: November 29, 2007, 13:15:52 pm »
Hi, in need of help as feel am going mad!!!
Details to help - LO 12 weeks on saturday. has doubled birth weight already.
He is breast and bottle fed. He feeds every 3.3/4 to 4 hrs.

E- 7.30 am   - formula
A - sing song, activity mat etc
S - either after 2 hrs of beginning feed or on first yawn. 30 mins
Y - none really as no time. (steraliser, washing machine, tumble dryer  tolilet ! and he's awake)

 E - 11.30 am - breast milk
A - sing songs activity mat toys etc change activity each time
S - same drill - 30 mins
Y - out pushing pram to see if he will sleep some more

E 3.30 pm - formula
A -
S - same drill (Knackered by this time)
Y - he is usually asleep on me as then will have more than 30 mins so stuck watching crap on TV

E - 7.00 - formula
A - bath sometimes
S - sometimes just goes to sleep and no bath
Y - express and go bed with him

wakes once in night somewhere between 2.00 am amd 4.00 am  - breast milk
has wind problem which is bad after middle of night feed and usually ends up in bed with me to get to the morning.

Started falling asleep in bath as so knackered also falls asleep after few ounces of bed bottle as so tired and then wakes us earlier.

in the main a text book baby I think in the quiz but not so for naps at the min.

How can I make him stay asleep more than 30 mins?

Tried PUPD but now know why didn't work didn't know he was too young

Shh pat not working at moment

what am I doing wrong?

Offline * Paula *

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Re: naps of exactly 30 mins - help
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2007, 13:26:13 pm »
Do you think that your lo could be over tired, and that 2 hours A time could be too long for him?  Might be worth perhaps trying a 3.5 hour EASY to see if that improves the naps.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline dizzy

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Re: naps of exactly 30 mins - help
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2007, 19:38:30 pm »
he doesn't always go 2 hrs before sleep, it depends on yawn. I thought he had put himself on 4 hr EASY as he stopped wanting milk at 3 and half? Now wants it more like 4 hrs. Should I put him back.
Tried sshhh pat today and cried all the way until next feed!
Then after feed fell asleep straight away on me and slept for nearly 2 hours as so tired.

Offline * Paula *

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Re: naps of exactly 30 mins - help
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2007, 20:11:57 pm »
It could possibly be that he is over tired, I would try and get him to bed a little earlier than after 2 hours and see how you go.

You could still keep him on the 4 hour feeding routine, and perhaps do a little A time before the next feed.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline dizzy

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Re: naps of exactly 30 mins - help
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2007, 14:03:45 pm »
Doesn't work, won't go to sleep even if hardly do any activity or low activity only for more that 30 mins. Won't do that in the pram any more either. Getting worse and worse

Offline deckchariot

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Re: naps of exactly 30 mins - help
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2007, 15:05:09 pm »
are you back to feeding every 4 hrs?  I think pp is right - he may be caught in an OT cycle now...I'd say try keeping the morning A time really low key (quiet toys, sitting in your lap with one toy etc) and maybe only 1.5 or 1.75 hrs (after he gets up total time including feeding and wind down).  What do you do for a wind down routine?  When you say pat/shh doesn't work - does that mean he just cries the whole time?  Is he swaddled?  Also, if his first nap is short, then the A time for the next cycle should be almost non existent - just basically feed, diaper change and wind down (if you try for 2 hrs A time again, he's already OT, and will just get more OT) so for example, given your earlier routine, here's what I might try:

E- 7.30 am   - formula
A - quiet toys, low key activity
S - 9:00 start wind down
Y - maybe you'll get a bit  :)

if he wakes after 30 min, I'd try to get him back to sleep with pat/shh - or whatever version may work best for him - some babies like only patting or only shhing or rubbing etc. you kind of have to experiment a bit.  So let's say he actually falls asleep by 9:15/9:30 and wakes up at 10.  I'd only try to extend his nap til 10:30 or 10:45, then get him up, have a little cuddle time and start the next cycle:

 E - 11 am - breast milk (he may be hungry earlier if he's been crying while you're trying to extend his naps)
A - not much here, diaper change and a bit of cuddle time
S - 11:30/12 - start wind down (I wouldn't keep him up more than 30 min after he's done feeding)

Does that make sense?  If he's OT (and it sounds like he is), you really have to somehow break that cycle so you can really work on the sleep training.  What I'd do with my dd is the last nap of the day, I'd just do whatever I could to get her to sleep if her earlier naps were bad, so that she'd not be so OT at bedtime and would sleep better at night and we could start fresh in the am.
