I gave ds 3 oz of Earth's Best Organic Formula the other day and within 20 minutes he had hives all over his body. I normally bf, and was trying to see if he would even take a bottle (it took a good hour to get him to drink it).
He's ok now- I gave him some benedryl and the hives and swollen ears went away by the next morning. I am on vacation- so I did take him to an urgent care just to make sure his breathing was alright. It was.
And then, yesterday, I gave him a taste of my ice cream and within 15 mintues he had hives all over his chin and neck. SO, I am suspecting a pretty severe milk allergy.
What Do I do in this case? I would like to see if he can take at least some formula as I am going back to work in a little over a month and also am considering some med changes...
Also- if he reacted that severely to the formula, do I also need to change my diet for breastfeeding?