Hi all, here's a two-fer post (an answer for Jackate and a question from me):
Regarding how many meals/getting started: at first I did one meal. We started with breakfast, figuring that that way I'd be able to see how she tolerated each food. But she never seemed interested, so I eventually branched out to lunch & dinner, and she turned out to be more interested at these times. To this day she is the least hungry at breakfast, I think because she has such a big milkfeed when she wakes up in the morning (though she sometimes surprises and eats a whole bunch). So I agree that the more practice, the better.
As far as types/amounts: I stuck to the really soft stuff at first- bananas and avocados- because I was so worried about her choking, and I didn't worry too much about variety. Don't worry too much about amounts because (1) the idea is to just let your baby practice & eventually eat as much as her appetite wants and (2) a lot of food will end up on the floor or in the bib, so you'll be offering more than s/he eats anyway. Since we were at first just cutting up things like bananas & avocados for her, we always had more than she could finish, & then we'd eat the rest! When we started offering more types, I'd try to include something that was easy & familiar, along with something new, & let her decide what/how much to eat. I've been on the more cautious side and waited until 9mos to introduce protein/meat, although we've been progressing a little slowly as she's been sick. We're also waiting a little longer to do eggs as they are said to be allergenic.
OK, now for my question: Right now we are doing 4 milkfeeds (am, after each nap, & bedtime) and 3 meals. I'm thinking that I should start making the post-nap milkfeeds into snacks (ie, offer solids) and maybe start offering milk (ie formula) with meals. How did you all make this transition? (My LO is 10 mos tomorrow, BTW).