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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #45 on: December 12, 2007, 19:27:03 pm »
OOhh, Alison, how cool!  I've been to the odd class run by Anton and Erin, he's lovely isn't he!  I'm rubbish at ballroom though, we just like working out how to do the lifts.   Think DH has Katie in mind for his next dance partner, she's just a tad lighter than me. 

Anyway back to BLW...

...  Katie is doing well - she put away two fish fingers tonight, and earlier in the week she had the rest of my spag bol, complete with red wine in the sauce :-[ and freshly grated parmesan. It was VERY messy but she loved it.  I am assuming the alchohol would have evaporated....


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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #46 on: December 12, 2007, 20:42:22 pm »
I feed Meghan mushrooms made in wine, I just assumed the alcohol was gone. 

I made her a bunch of pancakes today, to eat over the week.  One was spinach/banana/peach and the other type is pumpkin/squash.  She loves pancakes! 

The weirdest thing has happened (of course it will change as soon as I post about it  ;D), but she has started to happily let me feed her with a spoon.  I've been doing yogurt like that and she would grab the spoon.  For the past few days she just opens her mouth for more.  I hope she isn't getting lazy! 

Offline Bryony

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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #47 on: December 12, 2007, 20:44:59 pm »
Lyn - we have exactly the same thing with the yoghurt! And this is the girl who would not go NEAR a spoon. Wierd huh?!


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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #48 on: December 12, 2007, 21:37:02 pm »
We have the yoghurt thing, too. But only on fruit yoghurts, not plain!  I think she's realised she gets more of it when I am driving the spoon than when she is  ;D

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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #49 on: December 13, 2007, 01:43:50 am »
Hey grahamsmama- i would love to get your pancake recipes!! I tried to make lentil pancakes this week and Jude won't touch them. He loves plain pancakes though but i want to figure out a way to make them nutritous!!
We went to the Dr today for his 6 month check up. She thought it was fine i was doing finger foods from the beginning but said I should spoon feed a little too b/c it helps develop different jaw/cheek muscles or something like that. So, i'm going to start spoonfeeding some yogurt like you ladies! :)

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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #50 on: December 13, 2007, 09:37:55 am »
Whilst you are, of course, all absolutely entitled, as mummies, to introduce food to your los however you like, BLW is self-feeding, and spoon-feeding a baby yogurt or any other food does not fit into the BLW approach.

There will be a point in the future when your los can spoon-feed themselves, and you can place a spoon on the tray and let them experience a spoon as part of the whole eating concept, and encourage them to use it as a tool, but if you load up the spoon and pop it into their mouths, this is not BLW!

Just wanted to clarify, the BLW police won't be calling if you want to do a combination :)

Alison x

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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #51 on: December 13, 2007, 11:00:09 am »
Bryony, I thought it was ice skating too.  Vvvvvvv impressive.

I tried to give Alice some water from a sippy today.  Was not interested in the slightest.  Will try again later, wondering if it just won't happen because I've used the doidy. 

Pancakes were a complete hit yesterday she ate nearly a whole one, omelette not so the day before. 

Jaylabliss, my cleaner suggested crushing up bananas and putting it into pancake batter mix and then making them like that.  Haven't tried it yet.

About the spoon.  I put a tiny bit of petit filous on it and give it to her, she then puts in her mouth, plays with it for a few minutes, then when there's nothing on it, I take it off her and put the petit filous on the tray and let her eat it with her fingers.  So she's getting practise, but also BLW.


Alice (30th March 2007)

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Offline grahamsmama

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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #52 on: December 13, 2007, 14:48:06 pm »
I use a whole wheat pancake mix, the kind where you just add water.  In place of just the water (I do the 12 pancake amount), I use one tub of baby sweet potatoes, one tub of baby squash and then just enough water to make it the right consistency.  Oh, and I add a little pumpkin pie spice. 

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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #53 on: December 13, 2007, 22:07:41 pm »
Ah, well putting some on the spoon and letting them pop it into their own mouths IS BLW, it's the same as putting fruit puree on toast isn't it? It's the putting the spoon in the mouth thing that isn't BLW, not the spoon itself :D

Alison x

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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #54 on: December 14, 2007, 13:14:08 pm »
So I wonder what it is called when I have a bit of food on my hand for Anna to pick up (if we are out somewhere where she can't have her usual plate etc) and instead of grabbing the food she grabs my wrist, and drags my hand all over the place till she can get the food into her mouth without actually touching it ... Lazy is probably the word!!  ;D

Can anyone tell me if there is usually such a thing as a 9 month growth spurt?  She's suddenly ravenously hungry all the time, and the night wakings are no longer about whatever it was they were previously about (never did work it out, really ...) but seem to be purely hunger-driven. 

Have had to add in an extra milk feed to the day to try and keep up with her appetite.  So far, that has been formula as I didn't think my milk supply was quite up to it. If it is likely to be a growth spurt and therefore pass in a few days, I'll keep it as a formula feed. Otherwise, if we are stuck with this for a while I'll try switch it to a breastfeed.

Forgot to say earlier ... we had the mushroom and spinach polenta from the Jennie Mazels book again this week which went down really well. The 1st time we had it it disintegrated everywhere, but this week's has been in the freezer for a while and seemed to keep its consistency better. So, well worth freezing it if you ever make any.

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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #55 on: December 14, 2007, 14:35:10 pm »
So I wonder what it is called when I have a bit of food on my hand for Anna to pick up (if we are out somewhere where she can't have her usual plate etc) and instead of grabbing the food she grabs my wrist, and drags my hand all over the place till she can get the food into her mouth without actually touching it ... Lazy is probably the word!!  ;D

;D ;D ;D

I do think it sounds like a growth spurt.  Just keep feeding her, it will even out.

That polenta sounds fantastic!

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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #56 on: December 14, 2007, 17:31:29 pm »
Cathy- there is an 8 month GS.  Wonder if you got yours a little delayed

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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #57 on: December 14, 2007, 19:09:04 pm »
Cathy - I did that polenta recipe a few weeks ago and it was an absolute disaster!!  It did, as you say, totally disintegrate.  But you have inspired me to try again!

My two definitely ate loads for a week or so somewhere between 8 and 9 months although I thought at the time it was making up for lost calories from having a tummy bug.  Perhaps it was a growth spurt though.  If it seems like that feed is here to stay, you could always switch to boo after a few days.

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Offline Lippy Chick

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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #58 on: December 14, 2007, 22:22:43 pm »
I seem to remember reading somewhere recently (not sure if on this site or in the BWSAYP book) that they go through a growth spurt around 9 months. 

I'm hoping to get the Jenny Maizels book for Christmas. 

Alice likes rice, but it is so funny watching her eating it, trying to pick it up, it is more hassle than it's worth though, it's soooooo messy afterwards.  She liked crumpet on Sunday but didn't on Tuesday.  Fickle or what!!!

She did drink water through her sippy cup today.  So think I'll go with that for the time being.

Not strictly BLW question.  Those of you feeding formula, do your babies still have the milk warm or can they drink it cold by now?  Alice will only drink it warm, if it cools down at all, she refuses it until we warm it up again.  Think she's going to be drinking warm milk forever now.   ;)

Alice (30th March 2007)

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Offline VickyB20

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Re: Baby-led Weaning Support Thread Part 3
« Reply #59 on: December 15, 2007, 10:55:28 am »
Ella still likes her milk warm.  And she's 2 1/4!!
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