Bryony, I thought it was ice skating too. Vvvvvvv impressive.
I tried to give Alice some water from a sippy today. Was not interested in the slightest. Will try again later, wondering if it just won't happen because I've used the doidy.
Pancakes were a complete hit yesterday she ate nearly a whole one, omelette not so the day before.
Jaylabliss, my cleaner suggested crushing up bananas and putting it into pancake batter mix and then making them like that. Haven't tried it yet.
About the spoon. I put a tiny bit of petit filous on it and give it to her, she then puts in her mouth, plays with it for a few minutes, then when there's nothing on it, I take it off her and put the petit filous on the tray and let her eat it with her fingers. So she's getting practise, but also BLW.