Author Topic: So frustrated with shh/pat for naptimes, please help  (Read 450 times)

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So frustrated with shh/pat for naptimes, please help
« on: December 04, 2007, 19:52:23 pm »
Dear friends,
I have a seven-week old who has such a hard time with daytime naps.  I try to do the 4 S's as soon as she starts to yawn, but almost as soon as I swaddle her, she starts to cry.  Sitting or standing, it's very difficult to shh/pat a squirming, crying baby- I only have two hands!  This will usually last the entire 20 minutes (and longer!) that it supposedly takes to get a baby to sleep with nothing accomplished but a harried mother and baby!  I confess, at some point, I put her in her swing, which is where she sleeps best during the day.
I know that people usually want to know what schedule we're on, so here goes...
E       6:30 a.m.  (she's usually still sleepy after this feed, so she goes back to bed, usually with me, and will sleep until about 9)
S       7:00
E       9:00
A       9:45
S       10:30 (this is when the attempts begin, but today I am looking at the clock and it is about 11:45...I have just put her in her swing and of course now she is asleep....and is supposed to eat again at noon) 

She is sleeping fine at night (up to eat every 3-4 hours or so), so I guess I need to be thankful for that

Please help....I feel like I am reaching that dreaded breaking point.
Thank you

Offline flutie

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Re: So frustrated with shh/pat for naptimes, please help
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 12:29:39 pm »
Hi LIttlebugsmom!
I have just started shhh pat with my 7 week old son and had a rough start as well.  I was trying at the first yawn and just found he wasn;t ready to sleep....he cried through the swaddle as well.  All babies are different, but for him, I wait till he gets the glossy eyed stare before I start wind down and it seems to have help.  It took me a lot of experimenting before I got the right timing, but now he is asleep within minutes of shhh I just have to conquer the staying asleep past 30 min thing!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Re: So frustrated with shh/pat for naptimes, please help
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2007, 12:55:50 pm »
Are you pat/shhh in the cot / bassinet?  If so have you tried swaddling your lo and then popping her on your shoulder and doing the pat/shhh there, and then when she is almost asleep popping her in her cot.  This is a lot easier on your back, as youa re not bending over a cot.

Also, you might want to pop over to the Newborn to 3month thread, where there are mums with lo's of similar ages and we all chat about our days and the problems we are having.  There is a lot of support there. 

Here is the link....

Newborns - 3 Months Birth clubs

Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007