Our DS is 32 months now. He's waking up in the night a few times and waking early (5.30am!!) I try to get him back off to sleep, but he's not falling for it now!! I'm 6 weeks pregnant and need my sleep!!!
This is his routine:
5.30 wake
6.30 - 7.00 breakfast
9.15 play group (4 mornings a week)
(snack at play group)
12.15 pick him up from play group - offer him a sandwich in the car on the way home - he generally throws it!
12.30 - nap
2.00 I have to wake him from nap
2.15 Big snack if he hasn't eaten his sandwichin the car
Play/go out
5.30 - Dinner
6.00 - Bath
7.30 - Bed + 3 stories.
He does go straight to sleep after his stories, but wakes anytime from 2.00am.
I'm walking around like a zombie!!!
Do I need to reduce his nap? Or cut it out? Sometimes, when he gets home from play group, he doesn't look tired at all and he's running about, but I still put him to bed, he sings for a bit and will eventually go off.
I really don't know what to do!
Please help!
Rachel xx