Author Topic: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?  (Read 3597 times)

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Offline Aly Mac

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Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« on: December 10, 2007, 21:55:19 pm »
Just curious about toddler milk.  Lots of advertising here for it at the moment (or maybe I just notice it now ::) ) - some are like formula ie: powder based, others are in the cold milk section.  I figure since L is still bf 3xday plus is quite happy drinking her milk, it's not a problem, but curious as to the real benefits.  A friend of mine is swearing by teh fact that her 1yr old is on a toddler milk now (was on normal formula) and is so much more alert and is learning things really fast (bless her ;) she thinks her child is a genius in the making but who isn't proud of their kid when they do things).

Any experiences or expert opinions around?


ps. feel free to move as not quite sure if in the right spot..
« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 03:21:49 am by Aly Mac »

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Re: Toddler milk - what the lowdown?
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2007, 02:24:20 am »
I don't know anyone here in the US who uses it, but maybe I've been living under a rock. The biggest benefit that I know of is that it contains DHA, a fatty acid that's important for toddlers during their first 2 years. Breastmilk contains DHA so Lilly's good there. Toddler formula also contains higher levels of calcium than regular milk and, of course, all the other vitamins and minerals that are in infant formula.

I can see where it might be a good idea for a toddler whose diet is severely lacking over a long period of time. They all go through weird eating phases but there are some legit food issues out there that would require some extra help from formula or a multivitamin.

That's great that your friend's LO is learning things really fast, but I highly doubt the formula has anything to do with it. They all develop at their own pace. Good nutrition stacks the deck in your favor but isn't going to accelerate anything.

Are you sure the formula companies aren't paying her? ;)
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Offline mum101

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Re: Toddler milk - what the lowdown?
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2007, 03:23:26 am »
You will definitely notice a lot of advertising for toddler milk, as in Aus formula makers can't advertise infant formula to parents, but do to all the pharmacists in trade magazines etc. I read recently in a pharmacy magazine that there was concern by some bodies that advertisers were going too far.  One study found that most people could not differentiate between an ad for toddler milk and infant formula! Not necessarily just because advertisers were being dishonest but also because consumers didn't understand. 

One of the benefits for formula makers is that you notice the brand name, to increase brand awareness of infant formula. 

We used a toddler milk on and off.  It was an advantage to have sachets available when going out when DD was just over 1 in case she was hungry or thirsty when we were somewhere remote.  I just took a bottle of water and could add the sachet.

As DD is a great eater, other than assuring she has enough omega 3 and iodine etc there was no real benefit.  As DD was incredibly difficult to breast feed (well basically all the time!) but at 8 months I couldn't sustain milk and she was incredibly difficult so it was good to follow on after 12 months with some supplement, but it wasn't really necessary.  Toddlers with a nice big mix of different foods esp fish etc wouldn't need it. 

I thought the best time was either for convenience or for when DD was sick and was refusing to eat but I wanted to ensure some calories and definitely some water. 

I'd say one aspect is that parents concerned about toddlers picky eating may rely on them and actually give their toddlers more calories than they actually need.  But other people with kids with eating issues who are not gaining weight happily would probably benefit.
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Re: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2007, 10:16:25 am »
It's my understanding that toddler milks were initially created to bypass the regulations surrounding the advertising of 'first milks' - allowing companies to advertise their brand openly - and don't really contain much in the way of magic ingredients when you compare them to normal formulas.
I can see the benefit of transporting the powder rather than carry around or buy cow's milk.
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Re: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2007, 12:38:38 pm »
A scam and a marketing ploy!! (IMHO!)

I think if children eat well enough there is no need at all for them and they are a lot more expensive than bog standard cow's milk. It actually drives me up the wall that companies are getting away with this as really it's putting parents under pressure to buy more expensive things than usual for fear they are not providing the absolute best for their children. Grrr rant over!

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Re: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2007, 12:43:04 pm »
A scam and a marketing ploy!! (IMHO!)

I think if children eat well enough there is no need at all for them and they are a lot more expensive than bog standard cow's milk. It actually drives me up the wall that companies are getting away with this as really it's putting parents under pressure to buy more expensive things than usual for fear they are not providing the absolute best for their children. Grrr rant over!

100% agree with every work u said  ;)

Offline Aly Mac

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Re: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2007, 22:21:00 pm »
Thanks everyone.  My mums group all bottle feed, though very supportive of me bfing.  I think as they use/used formula (they are all 1yr now), they are naturally going onto more formula type stuff, and espousing the extra benefits over milk at this age as they are all talking etc. I just smile and nod...... ;)


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Re: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2007, 11:59:05 am »
I just smile and nod...... ;)

Sometimes thats all you can do  ::) ::) Let them think that if it makes them feel better!

Offline Melsy

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Re: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2007, 11:55:00 am »

I use a toddler milk from the fresh milk section in the supermarket.  Yes, it is expensive, yes I wish my child would eat properly instead but he won't and I can't force him to eat, so I feel better knowing he is getting a multi-vitamin every day plus some extra DHA's, Omega 3's or whatever and vitamins and minerals in the milk. 

He eats some fruits ok but next to none veggies and BARELY any meat.  So for my peace of mind, I buy the toddler milk.  Maybe a co-incedence, maybe he is just growing up and becoming more verbal or something, but I just said to DH yesterday how much calmer ds seems and how is behaviour lately is a 1000 times better!  So I will keep on buying the expensive milk!!!   :D

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Re: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2007, 20:09:59 pm »
I agree with Melissa... Ultimately it's an individual decision. My pead told us that that cows milk over here (very diff to UK milk) is pretty watery and not much 'goodness' in it at all. I swtiched to toddler milk when T wasnt eating very well and now he just likes the taste of it ;)

Offline Aly Mac

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Re: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2007, 21:48:04 pm »
I think that's what I was thinking - if their diet is lacking (ie: not eating a variety/balance food) then the toddler milk would be ideal.  They are at least getting their vitamins and minerals in some form.

I was given a sample and tried it the other day- she didn't spit it out (it was teh powdered form), but wasnt' that keen either - i smelt it - smelt like cardboard!!! Might I say she has never had formula so that wouldn't help either.

IN australia our cows milk is good - our milk man delivers 'homogenised pasturised jersey milk'.  She loves it.

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Re: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2007, 21:18:16 pm »
Anyone know if there is a significant difference in taste between pasteurized milk and ultra-pasteurized milk? From what i understand there is a difference because of how it's processed.
Is it drastic? :-\

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Re: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2007, 22:46:37 pm »
Toddler milk is great if you have a child who doesn't eat much or is picky, but really they don't need it.

It doesn't make them more alert or learn faster, tell your friend thats just being over 1  ;) 

In all honesty if your LO is able to have milk then give them milk (Whole of course) You want to lessen how much milk they take after a year anyway or they become milk babies. Toddlers who don't grow or develop right because they have to much milk and not enough food. This can happen on reg formula, Breastmilk, toddler formula and milk, so its now time more for balence then anything else.

:) HTH

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Re: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2007, 22:58:07 pm »
Anyone know if there is a significant difference in taste between pasteurized milk and ultra-pasteurized milk? From what i understand there is a difference because of how it's processed.
Is it drastic? :-\

 I don't know if thats possible. Milk is pasterized 3-4 times at the farm and then another 3-4 times at the plants. So think its all ultra-pasterized in the end
« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 23:00:12 pm by Kimberly® »

Offline Aly Mac

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Re: Toddler milk - what's the lowdown?
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2007, 23:07:25 pm »
I don't know either about the pasteurised milk.

Thanks for the tips Kimberly - I'm concious of Lilly not drinking too much milk over food.  I'm just giving it to her for snacks and in her food of course.  She also has 2 bf a day, which I'm limiting the time (otherwise she would nurse forever ::) ).

going to see my friend today - I'm sure she will tell me again how good the toddler milk is!!! 