Claire Ann..thank you, you put a

on my face thank you thank you for your kind words of support.
I know I am too hard on myself but mothers tend to do that

Stress out of bedtime...what's that lol

guess it isnt as bad as it was and I have to keep that in mind.The positives are
a) he stays in bed now
b) he sleeps on the bed all night and NOT the floor now
c) he tells me that bedtime means "go to sleep" (ie HE SO GETS IT

cheeky monkey)
d) he fusses less when i leave
e) he is not calling out for me for hours on end
f) HE DOES GO TO SLEEP..eventually
Yesterday Jakob napped (after not the day before) he napped until 2.30 but it took me 20 mins to get him to wake up.So last night he went to be and did not go to sleep until 9,20..........but therer were not tears,or calling out. he just happily lay there naming all the Thomas trains ,this was sooo cute to listen to.
So in the broader picture,bedtime is alot better. He understands about the bed now and is not fearful of it anymore. He knows the "rules" so to speak and pretty much stays on the bed,or at least gets back on if he hears me coming

Ammie32.....remember all kids are different and my son has always been one to push all boundaries to the limit lol. He has never been easy for any transition. I expected this and overall it has got better after only 2 really hard weeks. Now it is smoothing over and getting on track.YOu need to do just what your gut tells you. With a new baby on the way you may just wait until you feel you can do it. Go with what you feel.When you do it you may find your child will take to it easily.Good luck with all of this and your new baby.