I know, I've posted before, but I still have NO IDEA what to do. I see that a lot of LO's go through this around 15-17 months or so, which is somewhat of a comfort, but honestly, I'm ashamed to say, I can't handle this very well...
Let me summarize:
DD is 15 months old, got very sick 4 weeks ago, nursed him through that and he seemed to be doing fine after that (got back on track fairly easy). Then a week later started to walk and talk. (a LOT of words). Then refused morning nap and went to only 1 nap in the afternoon. (which I think might be the culprit, OT?) So a lot of developmental things happened in just a couple of weeks. Since 3 weeks he's not going to sleep at night. As soon as I walk into the bedroom he starts whining and when I put him to bed he first "asks" with his hands up if he can come out. I tell him no it's bed time, and he starts screaming. Sometimes he does fall asleep after 10 min of crying, only to awaken 45 min later and scream again. Bedtimes have no been around 9 - 10 pm. Therefore I have put him back on 2 naps, hoping it would limit the OT and it would go better, to no avail. I thought of SA and treated it like that, but he's fine during nap time...just at night. I've thought it was a too short wind down routine, have tried changing that, nope doesn't work. I don't know what to do and by the end of the day (hubby is at work at nights, so it's me with 2 DD's under 3) I am reduced to the same age as my youngest and want to scream as well...
I've reread Tracy's book (the "solves all your problems one") and did the 12 questions and action steps, but I can't figure it out. I've read TONS of post here and tried most of them.
ANY tips would be great...because now I'm falling into the trap of trying too much at once and making things even more confusing for DD. (And myself) Where do I start? I am completely at a loss here...
DD used to be a textbook baby, but now I'm not sure. IF and when he falls asleep (if he sleeps past the 45 min mark) he does sleep till 7.30 or sometimes 8.
Thanks for reading my post again, I have a lot of people here giving me "advice" but it's all not BW advice. And I absolutely LOVE Tracy's approach and I don't want to do something else. (Besides, till now, BW worked like a charm with both boys)
So I need advice from other BW expert moms...