My ds is now almost 17mths and has been sleeping in our room since birth. He sleeps in his cot and although he dont sleep through yet (he wakes about once a night, but i think mostly for reassurance), he does fall asleep by himself when put down at night. We have a new baby on the way and i have till april to get him to transition from our room to his own. He is familiar with the room,but hasnt slept in it yet. My sister use to live with us. We dont have a toddler bed for him, only a normal single bed. Is that to large for a toddler his age? I was thinking in using bedgaurds for him not to fall off. Should I move his cot to his room first, till he gets use to sleeping in the room by himself, and then move him to the bed? Or let him go from cot straight to bed in his room? Or let him have naps on the bed in the day? I have no idea where to start. He does wake up at night sometimes for a drink of water from his sippy, and usually will fall asleep by himself again. Should I leave the sippy with him so that he can have a drink instead of waking for me? Any tips and advice would be very much appreciated.
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