I haven't done the gradual withdrawal b/c he latches off himself and falls asleep. He doesn't fall asleep on the breast. I usually pull him off if he is and he will try to go after it but I just cover up and he gives up b/c he is almost asleep. I can ask dad to help. His patience is short. Here is a typical day:
Wakes 7-8
naps 11-:30 for 1.5 hours (never longer

Sleep 6:30-7:30 (depends how ling it takes to wind down)
We have quiet time after dinner at 5:30
Jammies at 6:00
Then books
Lights out
Nurse then hope he falls asleep quickly
He tries to play around and has a hard time transitioning from play to quiet time and books. He wants to run around his room and get into everythig.
It seems that it used to be so easy and now he thinks everything is a game. I don't know how to get him to understand that it's night night time and we longer play and get him to sleep on his own. He sries everytime I put him in the crib awake. We have tried the Ferber method which was awful. Each night he cried longer and he was a mess during the day. I just don't know where to start b/c I feel that there are several problems.
A) He has to nurse to go to sleep and wakes constantly
B) He does not know how to go to sleep on his own
C) I have a hard time transitioning from play to nap/ sleep even with a routine
D) He gets overly upset with dad trying to put him back to sleep
E) He will cry even before I can lay him down in the crib
I guess I am trying to get as much info and advice to figure out a plan. Then I will go from there. I am nervous about trying something new and having him cry. I guess I am just so tired that I have no energy to do anything but I know I need to. I know that it is healthier for him to know how to self soothe and to sleep on his own. Thank you for the help. I just don't no where to start