Wow - the last four nights have been absoutely awful. Previously my 23 month old DS was fantastic at bed time - we've had the same routine pretty much since he was born and he has always been pretty happy to go to bed even if sick or over tired. But now as soon as it's time to put pyjamas on he totally flips out. He loses it totally, crying, lashing out, struggling, desperate to be hugged when you put him down but when you pick him up, pushing you away. This continues basically til he's crashed out. It's really upsetting for everyone - the first night I ended up in tears and now I'm not far away!
There are some factors that may or may not be important at the moment. Firstly, he's not been on top form the last week or so. It started with teething, then became a mild cold and since last night he got croup! So he's tired at bed time - though he's in bed early - 6.30 tonight and 7 ish the last few nights.
I'm also 7 months pregnant - though I'm not sure this is something he really understands even though we talk about it.
Also, the first night of tantrums co-incided with the arrival of my mother - who he adores - though she's gone now and it was as bad tonight as the first nighgt.
I've also noticed that over the last couple of weeks, he's been much more wilful than usual - saying no to everything and making tasks like putting on shoes or coat, or sitting up for lunch, a bit of a struggle. I'm figuring this is developmental stuff and trying to be patient.
He still naps for 2 hours during the day, though I've had to push this nap later so that he sleeps for the full amount of time.
I just don't know what to do - I hate seeing him in that angry and upset state. He's usually such a calm and jolly little boy. Anyone have any ideas?
Anna x