My lo is 18 months and after a few months of teething (molars & eye) we are slowly gettting sleep throughs again. He is now refusing to nap on some days, usually he refuses the pm nap, but now it is the am nap. I am having trouble reading his tired cues and not sure whether to start pushing his am nap or cut it out all together. He has had a rough patch of NW and is over tired I think, so I am careful. What has been happening is he wakes at 5-5.30am!!! I often can't get him back to sleep so I get him up and put him down at 8.30, he usually naps for 45-1 hour. I try later for another nap at 1.30 and some days he falls asleep in 20 minutes (4 hr A time) and other days takes 5 hours or not at all. I try for a cat nap, maybe in the car sometimes, but it is usually around 4.30 by then. Then comes bed and he is hyper and takes over 1 hour to get to sleep!
On the days he has refused a pm nap he has been up for 8-9 hours straight and will go to sleep okay, others not!
He has only been averaging a total of 11 hours a day lately and I am wondering how to do this transition, especially with early wake ups and get him to sleep more?
Appreciate any advice please!
5.00-5.30 wake up
6.00 milk
8.00 breakfast
8.30 try for nap.
9-10.00 nap
10.00 snack
12.30 lunch
1.30 try for nap.
2-3.00 nap
3.00 snack
5.00 dinner
6.00 bath
6.30 milk
6.45 bed
7-8 asleep (if lucky)