Hey Stacy! I totally get where you are coming from, however, he is no longer in his crib, when he realized that DH and I would not come running to his beck and call he taught himself how to PROPEL out of his crib, so his Dr. told us to get a toddler bed. So every time he wakes he's up and out of his room.

As for doing WI/WO on an unhappy baby, for awhile, he'd get out of his bed, but he wouldn't be upset at all, he'd wait in the hallway for either me or DH to pick him up and place him back in his bed, and it would only be a few times. But the past week and a half, he shoots out of bed, and is SCREAMING!!! He will do this over, and over, and over...without a break... I'm talking 45 min, to an hour! I don't understand why we've had such a set back. Even though he still had NW's he was so easy to put down.

I do understand that him sleeping with us could create more problems, it's something I've been against, however I feel like we've tried everything!

GGGRRR Toddlers! LOL