Leslie I really wish I could come to NYC and help you
Two naps really aren't working again are they? I think you should maybe get back on the one nap boat, what do you think? I still remember the frustration of Leorah taking 2 short naps a day, my whole life revolved around those naps and I was miserable, one nap didn't mean she got more sleep but that sleep was condensed so much more restorative. While deep in the nap hell I did sit and have a good think after reading then "Healthy Sleep...book" that it wasn't Leorah's fault and that it must be awful for her too and I suddenly became more empathic towards her and imagined how awful she must be feeling for her little body to be so out of sorts that she just can't stay asleep. Obviously this did not mend anything but my stress levels. It is really normal and human nature to feel resentment towards M, I am ashamed to say I have screamed "just sleep FFS" at Leorah and I still feel terrible about it. One day my DH was out and she woke after 20 mins from a nap and I called and told him to get home as quick as possible because I just couldn't deal with her. At the end of the day though they can't help it and they love us and expect us to make everything better.
Momma Holmes is right, there must be somewhere you can get help though I do believe a lot of sleep clinics do CIO so perhaps you could see a medical specialist to check her for any physical reasons she can't sleep.
I know you said before that WIWO makes her hysterical but L was too when I first did it, I gave up but Elmarie who was supporting me at the time told me to keep going as she was just angry because this was new and I couldn't believe it but it worked a treat
I just had to really work out what was an angry cry and what was genuinely upset, If I ever need to do it now it works after one go. It will be tough but I think you should maybe commit to this for the EWs as when she gets up that early she then needs a nap earlier. The thing is with our spirited kids is that they may be hard work when it comes to sleep and routines etc but also they are clever and know when they are flogging a dead horse!
So anyway shall we all come up with a new plan for you both that will be stuck to for at least 2 weeks? Last time you switched to one nap her morning started getting later. For now you can always offer her a catnap in her cot in the afternoon and say leave her for 20 mins so at least she is getting some rest even if she doesn't sleep and you are already on board with early bedtimes. As I think New Mum said before it will probably be a good idea to give her all her meals at the same time to as it will help set her bodyclock. So regardless of wake up WIWO until the time you decide to get up, breakfast, lunch and tea at the same times and nap, quiet time and bed at the same times, you could even put a morning walk in at the same time just so she knows what is coming next most of the time. We will be with you every step of the way
PS Leorah is in teething hell and only napped 40 mins yesterday and from 5am this morning cried on and off until we got her up so she is a bit of a mess too
Remember if you do go ahead with the one nap you will defintely have a rough few days so try and rest today while DH is home and mentally prepare for combat