'teaching granny to suck eggs' is an old saying for when your telling someone something they already know

I know from experience that if I put her in her crib awake, she immediately stands up. As soon as I leave, she begins screaming. So do I continue to lie her down till she stays lying down?
Yes, this sounds a bit perverse but sometimes with sleep training Lily I found that unless she got upset there was nothing I could do to help her re-learn how to go to sleep. So if it takes you leaving the room for her to get upset then this is what you have to do. If she is just standing there happily not going to sleep then no amount of PD will work it just becomes a game to them. They have to realise its not time to play, this isn't a game, it's time to sleep!
So you lay her down, head for the door. She stands up see you leaving then gets upset. You then lay her down. If she jumps straight back up not crying you head for the door again, this will upset her again then you go back and lay her down. Usually a few rounds of this is enough for them to realise you mean business about laying down. She may continue to stand up crying, if so lay her down and see if you can keep her down by stroking or rubbing her back. If she wants to get back up remove your hand and let her get right the way up before laying her down, don't be tempted to try to lay her down to quickly as this will just get her mad!. Once she stays down, you can help her get to sleep if she needs it by rubbing or stroking. It could take a looong time, but sooner or later she will stop crying and fall asleep.
If she gets really upset and just isn't calming down, it's OK to give a cuddle, what I did was wait for her to stand up then just cuddle her over crib rails, no picking up, wait for her to calm right down then lay her down. You can tell her it's time to lay down now, your sooo tired thats why your so upset, it's OK, your only going to sleep and Mummy is right here to help you. Lets get you comfy, close your eyes and wait for the sleepy to come. Or words to that effect. This really helps Lily now she is older, when she was younger it didn't seem to have much effect, sometimes got her more upset so I limited what I said and when. Lily would sometimes (usually for early NW's) seem to have a tantrum in her cot. She would be crying hard and wriggling all over, be really cross and not like me to intervene, if I tried to lay her down she would get more upset if I helped her stand up she would get more upset and throw herself back down again. When this happened I would try to talk her down, try to hold a hand on her back but pretty much just let her get past that to the plain upset crying when she would respond to me comforting her.
I 3rd the keep the paci idea, it will help her to relearn how to self soothe.
If you really don't trust DH not to cave in and rock her then it's best to do it alone for consistency sake. Like I said earlier it is tough going but you can do it, even on your own. I did so I'm positive you can. Doing it on my own was another reason why for middle of the night NW and EW I would sleep on floor in Lily's room it was just easier than keep going back to bed just to have to get back out of it again. On the plus side I think it really helped move Lily past her EW because she saw that it wasn't time to get up and was hugely comforted by my presence in the room. I found her fast asleep sitting up with her face pressed against rails of cot one morning, she must of just been sitting there watching me until she fell asleep

Any more specifics, just ask

Good luck you can do it