Leslie, so sorry you feel so lowe over this, I didn't battle Lily's sleep for anyway as near as you have struggled with M, but I do know how you feel, we all do, and you will come through it even though it doesn't feel like it will ever end.
Have you re-read this thread yet, in its entirety? if not, please do, it will be a good reminder of exactly what you have been through, what you tried and the outcome.
Let us know how today goes.
I know we have discussed this before, but have you had M checked for food allergies and intollerances etc, also did you ever approach a specialist sleep expert, if not I still think you should. How is the sleep training going? Do you feel like you are getting there? She will start to sleep a whole lot better when she is sleeping completly independantly, the difference can be amazing in some LO's.
have my fingers crossed you get a good nap, whenever & wherever she takes it