Brief History of DS’s sleeping problems
Hi, everyone. Although it’s Christmas Season, I feel so sad & frustrated. I’m a first time mom and my DS is 8mo7d. Since his birth, he never sleeps for hrs he should. Because of my ignorance, we haven’t had a routine until his 5th month. Although he finally could sleep thru the night (I’m so happy), he had early waking and inconsistent short nap problems. He also cannot fall asleep unassisted. These problems make it so difficult to maintain a routine from 7am to 7pm. I try so hard to have a fixed feeding schedule & a fixed bedtime around 7pm. However, I didn’t know how to extend his short nap. So I try my best to control his awaking time to 2 hrs. So at his 5-6mo, he generally had sleep of 13.5-14.5 hrs a day, including 10.5hrs of night time sleep and 3-3.5 hrs of daytime sleep. And he had a 45 morning nap, an inconsistent 45min-1.5hr afternoon nap and a 40min-1hr catnap. I always cut his morning nap to 45min according to a book hoping his afternoon nap can be 2 hrs. However, it never happens. And I couldn’t let him drop his catnap since he has early waking and short afternoon nap problems.
Regarding his short nap
From 3-6 mo, he often had 30-45 mins afternoon nap if we couldn’t help him go to sleep again. I’ll breastfed him or my DH will try to rock him. We also tried sh-pat although I didn’t know it’s a tool until I bought Tracy’s book at Nov. Because of BW, I didn’t cut his morning nap anymore. From 11/29-12/6, he had quite good naps, including two 1.5hr nap plus a 30-40min catnap. However, at 12/7 pm12:00, DS cried very loudly because his head bumped into the pillow next to the bumper. He didn’t fall back to sleep until 2:11am with our help. Since then, he began to have inconsistent nap time again. And the length of his nap time became shorter and shorter. During the past 3 days the length of his naptime totals to less than 2hr, consisting of two 45 naps and one 30-45 catnap. I don’t know why. I guess it could possibly be related to (1) OT (2) losing the ability of falling asleep independently (3) improper routine (4) night time sleep increase? (5) white noise machine. So I list DS’s routine below, hoping many experienced moms could give me some advice.
Now I want to try w2s to lengthen his sleep time. Because he is 24 pounds, using PU/PD to increase his nap time is almost an impossible mission to me. I tried it three times, only one time successful and DS fell asleep near his feeding time and slept through it. So I’d rather try w2s to make it. According to my observance, DS has difficulties in transitions of sleep cycle. It is the mainly reason to cause him wake up earlier. He has so many possible waking marks. I don’t know if I need to do w2s at EVERY possible waking mark including 45min, 1hr, 1hr20min, 1hr30min. What is the appropriate timing? Does the timing differ in lengthening nap time and night time?
6am/7:00am Wake (Early Waking): From 4:00am to 6:00am, DS has very light sleep. After shortly waking at anytime between 5:00-5:30, he continues changing his positions. So I don’t know if he is still asleep or not. Around 6:00, he’ll be fully awake. Then he begins to play on his bed. Sometimes he’ll fall asleep 1hr later around 6:50-7:00. I usually wake him up before 7:30. But if he doesn’t fall back to sleep, I’ll let him have his morning nap at 9:00am
7:00/7:30 Bottle 5oz
8:30 Solids 2-3oz
9:00/ 9:30/9:45 Morning Nap 45mins-1.5hr, now the length is 50mins. The nap time will be
changed to the time he wakes up and how long it takes him to fall asleep.
11:30 Bottle 6oz
12:30 Solids 3-4oz
1:00/1:30 Afternoon Nap 45mins-1hr20min
3:00 Bottle 6.5oz
4:30/4:40/5:00 A possible catnap 40min; If the length of his nap time before the catnap totals to
more than 2hrs, he usually fails to have the catnap although it will take me
45mins to 1hr to let him have that. If the length of his nap time before the
catnap totals to less than 2hr, I think I MUST let him have it to protect his night
time sleep although I’m not sure about this considering his age.
5:30 Solid
6:00 Bath
6:30 Bottle 6.5oz
7:15/7:30 Bedtime
Regarding his falling asleep
At 5-6mo, I let him sleep on his tummy at nap time and tried CIO in desperate hoping he could sleep on his own. It worked although I felt so sorry when I heard my baby cry. My DS has had very strong Moro Reflex and it disturbed his sleep notoriously. However, because he refused swaddling, letting him sleep on his tummy to control his flailing arms and legs is my only option then. At his 7mo, because he could crawl, his sleep was messed up by his new-gained mobility. When I let him sleep on his tummy, he begins to crawl ever after, he even turns his head smiling at me, no signs of settling down. When I let him sleep on his back, he’ll flail his arms and legs several mins and try to turn over and crawl again. I ever tried not to intervene and let him crawl several times. The result was he got OT and cranky. I cannot help but hold him to help him calm down and put him on the bed after he relaxes. He could remain immovable for a while, but he’ll try to turn over and crawl again. So I need to grab him back, hold him again, try to let him turn to his side and PRESS his arms and legs for a while until he won’t move for a while. Then he usually can go to sleep on his own. The whole process takes me 35min, even 1hr.
Welcome advice & TKS for all your help.