Author Topic: 6 month old has to be entertained or she screams  (Read 1032 times)

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6 month old has to be entertained or she screams
« on: December 28, 2007, 19:05:03 pm »
Hello Everyone,

I am new to this site so I apologize if I am in the wrong area to ask a question. I am a first time Mom and my daughter just turned 6 months old. She is a good baby..she sleeps 12 hours a night (7-7), takes 3 one hour naps a day. The problem is that I have to entertain her the entire time she is awake or she will throw an absolute tantrum, screams and turns red and coughs etc., but the second I go to her and play with her with a toy she smiles and is fine. I walk about for a second and she screams with tears streaming down her face. Has anyone else had a baby like mine and if so I would appreciate any information you could share with me. She had every toy, bouncers, swing, jumpers, exersaucer (she is fine in the excersaucer for about 20 mins by herself). I am desperate and cannot get anything done around the house. Also, she did horrible in daycare and cried the entire day. :( Thank you so much.   

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Re: 6 month old has to be entertained or she screams
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2008, 21:34:53 pm »
Aw big hugs xxx

So sorry that there has been a delay answering your post xxxx

It sounds to me like your LO is having some separation anxiety and when you are not entertaining her or with her she becomes anxious. There is lots and lots of info about SA on the site which you can find using the search funtion if you fancy reading up on it.

One thing you can do in the meantime is start to play peek a boo with her round door posts or behind cushions so that she gains object permanence.. she knows that you are still near even when she can't see you.. and knows that you will come back, so she might start to allow you to wander off for a second, or take your direct attention from her without becoming so anxious.

If she is good in her exersaucer do you take that into the room where you do your chores? I used to have Woo's where ever I was and chatted to him as I folded laundry, washed dishes, tidied round etc...

Hope others can share some wisdom for you xxx

H xxx