My DD is 6 months old, and in the last few days started showing signs of wanting a 3 hour A time. So I followed her cues (she makes a certain noise when she's sleepy), and we went to this:
6:30 awake
7:00 E
8:30 solids
9:30 - 11/11:15 S
11:15/11:30 - E
1:00 solids
2/2:30 - 3:30/4:00 S
4:00 - E
5:00 solids
6:15 bath, wind down (including BF)
7:00 bed
10:45 DF
Before that, she was doing about 2.5 hrs A time. The 3 hrs has been great during the day - she's taken good naps, and hasn't been fussy at night for the first time since we dropped the catnap. But since we went to this, she stopped sleeping through, which she just started doing about 3 weeks ago when I finally started doing the DF instead of just leaving it up to her (was previously doing 1 NF whenever she asked for it). The last 2 nights, she's woken at 3:30 or 4:00 am crying for me and won't settle without a meal, but seems more into comfort than the food. Like last night, she kept trying to play with my face, my shirt, the pillow, etc, and was suckling on and off. She finally fell asleep after 20 minutes, but the first 10 was just playtime, even though I was ignoring her and had my eyes closed.
Is it my EASY? Is 4.5/5 hrs too long between BF, even though she's getting solids in the middle? Should I be waking her from naps at 4 hrs? And any advice for how to get her back down without feeding at 4 am if she wakes again tonight? (I've heard 3 days makes a habit). She's reaching for me, crying, and pulling up on me or the crib. I was doing shush/pat before, but now that's she's started reaching for me so actively, I can't seem to get that to work. She just grabs my hands and tries to get out.
Last thing - last night, she woke about 30 minutes early for DF, so I just did it early. For the 3 hours before that, she moaned and groaned and let out little fusses about every 10 minutes. It's like she wasn't sleeping well, but she didn't act like she was uncomfortable during the day. Last time she popped a tooth, she had a certain cry and was crying out randomly at night. I haven't heard that, so I don't think it's another tooth, but I could of course be wrong...
Help is appreciated! Thanks!