I know, Marlee not being able to fall asleep on her own is a big problem. The way she falls asleep is usually while I'm holding her, otherwise she is all over the place. Once her eyes are closed, I place her in her crib ... bad bad bad.. I know.
I tried pu/pd. Did it for 3 weeks, no result. The minute DD is in her crib, she stands up, so I would put her down. This would go on for awhile, her screaming in the process. If I left the room, she would cry and scream. It would go on for hours, sometimes 2-3 hours. She would fall asleep while I was holding her, standing up by her crib, sleep for an hour, then would be up again, and would repeat this. After 3 weeks, I gave up, I was exhausted, so was the baby, she stopped eating, it was horrible.
The bottle before naps or sleep started when my dd was really young, and had undiagnosed reflux, and the only way she drank was while sleepy. She never falls asleep on the bottle now, usually after she's done, she crawls off my lap with force, and plays on the floor for awhile, until I pick her up and hold her so she falls asleep. Otherwise, she'll be all over the place, she can't sit still. Very spirited!! You know, the minute she is in her car seat, within seconds, she falls asleep, I wish she would do that in her crib!
Is 2 hours of nap time a day enough?