Author Topic: Talks etc for 45mins at bed time - ?enough sleep for a nearly 2yr old?  (Read 791 times)

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Offline marie11

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Hi we have recently had early wakings and to be honest think they will appear every now and then but at the moment our day starts at 6amish. OUr daughter is 23mths old and averages 10-10.5hrs sleep at night with a 1.5hr nap.  We pop her to bed at 7pm but she usually talks, sings etc for about 45mins with the odd couple of min cry thrown in. My husband thinks we should put her to bed 7.30pm as she sounds too awake but I think if we do this she will still chatter and maybe get overtired and upset.  She has never really slept in past 6.45am so think she is just an early bird. Just wondering if she is getting enough night time sleep and if many other toddlers out there have a long chat at bedtime eating into sleep time!! Thanks...........

6.10am - wake and plays in bed
6.30am - calls for us to get her (hasnt realised she can get out of bed yet!)
7am - breakfast, dressed, wash
9.30am - snacks
11.30am - lunch
12noon - nap for 1.5hrs (no stories, she talks for about 10mins/15mins)
2pm - snacks
3.30pm - snacks
5pm - dinner
6pm - bath, milk, pjs and quiet play with no tv
7pm - bedtime with 2 stories takes 10mins. She usually talks then approx 45mins, she falls asleep just before 8pm.

Offline Layla

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Re: Talks etc for 45mins at bed time - ?enough sleep for a nearly 2yr old?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2008, 01:06:49 am »
I think its perfectly normal for toddlers to chat/do their own windown before they go to sleep. Isabella did this for ages (now anymore cause she doesn't nap & she will close her eyes as soon as she hits the bed, lol). I too experimented with a later bedtime, assuming that maybe she's just not tired enough.. but she STILL took a good 30mins to get to bed, so I let her be & she would fall asleep when she fell asleep.

Of course if it was her talking for 1hr + I would be pusing bedtime back but I think 30mins or so is quiet normal

It could just be that you dd doesn't need as much sleep as she used to. My dd around that age dropped to 10.5hrs at night & her nap slowly went from 2hrs to 1.5hrs. I think as long as she seems rested, I would leave to it. If she seems tired & it looks like she's overtired, then consider an earlier bedtime. But if she's waking up even earlier with the earlier bedtime, then it might just be that she has dropped her overall sleeping requirements

hth & post back any other q's
Layla :)

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline marie11

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Re: Talks etc for 45mins at bed time - ?enough sleep for a nearly 2yr old?
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2008, 06:03:24 am »
Thank you very much for that advice - really appreciated and nice to know from others with experience.