Author Topic: 16 Month Old, time to push routine ahead a little?  (Read 1044 times)

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Offline irish3680

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16 Month Old, time to push routine ahead a little?
« on: January 07, 2008, 18:22:27 pm »
Ella is 16 months and has been on the following routine for months:

7/7:30: wake up, I get her out of bed at 7:30 or wake her then if necessary
12 - 2: nap (asleep in about 5-10 minutes, I wake her to protect bedtime)
7: bed (asleep in 15 minutes max)

She thrives on her longer nights and is cranky when her night sleep is less than 11.5 hours. The past week or so she has been waking before 7 am and then crashing for her nap and VERY angry when I wake her at 2pm. Or she has been sleeping until after 7 am and then waking early from her nap. Today just woke a little before 1:30. Has been quiet and content to stay in bed for the most part so far. Is it time to make nap and bedtime a little later (12:15/7:15 or 12:30/7:30)? When should I put her to bed tonight? Any other tweaks? I don't want to cut nap short at this point and she has always needed a little more sleep than average, so I think 2 hour nap and 11.5 - 12 at night is what she still needs.


Ella Grace 8/25/06
Mya Rose 4/18/09
Cal Howard 10/17/10


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Re: 16 Month Old, time to push routine ahead a little?
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 20:22:08 pm »
I think its certainly worth a try with a slightly later bedtime.I'd start with 15 mins and see if that makes a difference.

DD went through a similar phase at that age and her nap did have to be shortened but she was sleeping 2.5 hrs at that point!!

Offline irish3680

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Re: 16 Month Old, time to push routine ahead a little?
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2008, 01:51:09 am »
Thanks Andrea!

Yesterday after the very short nap, she went to bed at 6:45 pm and slept until 7:15 am. I figured it would be a good opportunity to add the extra 15 minutes because she had such a long night. So, nap 12:15 - 2:15 (she woke on her own just before 2:15) and then bed at 7:15 and quiet right away. I think the ideal routine for Ella to get 11.5 - 12 hours at night and 2 during the day would be 7:30 wake, 12:30 - 2:30 nap, 7:30 bed.

Ella Grace 8/25/06
Mya Rose 4/18/09
Cal Howard 10/17/10

Offline Clarepie

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Re: 16 Month Old, time to push routine ahead a little?
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2008, 13:28:13 pm »
Have just read you post,your DD's routine is almost identical to my 16 month old DD.Lilys is 7am wake,12-2 nap,bed 6:45,asleep in 5 mins usually.We transitioned to one nap at 14 months,and she's been doing great,i've slowely pushed her nap from 11:45am- 2pm to 12-2.She loves her night sleep too,usually 11 1/2 - 12 hrs.She does stir about 6:15,but usually goes back off after a bit of chatting to herself.I don't want to cut her nap just yet either,although she does do ok if she does wake earlier.It's still nice to have that bit of time to myself,but I do look forward to when we can go out for the day without having to worry about her getting to nap...roll on those days!

Clare x

Offline irish3680

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Re: 16 Month Old, time to push routine ahead a little?
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2008, 00:12:01 am »
Hi Clare,

2 days in a row have worked great with 12:15 nap and 7:15 bed. This morning she woke right around 7:30. I know I can't have my cake and eat it too, but I love the 7:30 wake-up and 7 pm bed. But I know I can't have it all and she's getting older and only needs 13.5-14 hours so somethings gotta give  ;)

Ella Grace 8/25/06
Mya Rose 4/18/09
Cal Howard 10/17/10

Offline Clarepie

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Re: 16 Month Old, time to push routine ahead a little?
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2008, 13:27:09 pm »
Hi again,
I know what you mean about somethings got to give,it's whether or not it's the nap or night sleep?If Lily was taking ages to fall asleep at night,I would definately cut her nap down a bit,but while she's still happy and goes to sleep almost instantly at night and for her nap,I don't want to chance anything.She does have the habit of stirring/waking a little around 6,chatters a bit,has a fidgit in her cot and has been getting wedged sideways at one end in her cot.Then either me or hubby has to go in,sort her out,literally walk in,place her back down so she's comfy and walk out again.She then goes back off to sleep.I'm not sure whether to try and stretch her bedtime to a bit later.I put her down at 6:45 usually,she does seem tired but isn't desperate to go to bed,so maybe another 15 mins might make her wake a little later in the morning? mmm we'll see!


Offline irish3680

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Re: 16 Month Old, time to push routine ahead a little?
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2008, 18:06:24 pm »
I would say try the 7 pm bedtime, so then she has an equal 5 hours on either side of her nap.

Ella Grace 8/25/06
Mya Rose 4/18/09
Cal Howard 10/17/10