Author Topic: 11 months not eating FFoods  (Read 1467 times)

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11 months not eating FFoods
« on: January 08, 2008, 16:34:20 pm »
Hi to all!!!
Ds is lactose intolerant or so we thought so his food variety reduces a lot. He does not accept cheese or yogurt cause he gets sick. Lately we have been giving cereal in his meals, but he reacts badly to this too. So no cereal and no milk. So then what can I give? If I give a banana he gags and vomits if it has pieces or if he grabs it to eat on his own. He only accepts pureed food and been spoonfed. Any recommendation advice. We will be seeing an specialist for the intolerance to make sure about milk and cerea but that would be when he is 12 months... really soon. So should I concern or how can i start him on finger foods. He was actually eating cheerios, but oatmeal make no good to him.  Any help please?
[img width= height=][/img] [img width= height=][/img]

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Re: 11 months not eating FFoods
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 20:38:36 pm »
Hello! Can I ask, is your major difficulty with choosing foods ds can eat because of his intolerances, or is it the transition to finger foods itself? If the former, I will redirect you to the Allergies forum, otherwise we'll see what we can do here for you!

Alison x

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Re: 11 months not having some weird allergies?
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2008, 00:49:11 am »
Thanks for the reply. The answer is: both.
He does not accept finger food and he gets sick with all of this... that is why i am concerned...  :-[
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 15:16:22 pm by Mom2X&F »
[img width= height=][/img] [img width= height=][/img]

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Re: 11 months not eating FFoods
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2008, 11:24:34 am »
Ok, well you aren't allowed to post in 2 places about the same thing, so I'll answer the bit about finger foods first, then pop you over to Allergies for their advice :).

I guess the 'traditional' way to introduce finger foods is to wait until baby is accepting lumps, or lumpier puree off a spoon, but more recent research suggests that babies cope better with lumps they've created themselves (eg. bitten off something), than lumps they've been fed on a spoon. It's about control really, los feeling in control of what goes in and when.

So... what some parents of los who happily ate runny or thick smooth purees, but flatly refused any lumps off a spoon have done is to miss out the lumpy purees stage and go straight from smooth purees to finger foods, starting with a combination of both and then gradually reducing the quantity of puree as baby gets the hang of self-feeding.

In this forum's recipe section are some ideas for Finger Foods for Young/Inexperienced Babies which should give you some starter foods, many of which are single foods so possible allergens can be avoided.

The main worry for most parents with finger foods/lumps is the risk of choking, and this anxiety is easily picked up on by the babies who see their parents anxious faces and think "gosh, this food business is really something to worry about" and then they start to associate food and eating with anxiety and it can really put them off trying to eat unfamiliar things... if this sounds like it might apply to your situation, here's a couple of things to try...

...remember that gagging is not choking - it is quite normal for babies who encounter lumps to gag and sometimes even vomit :-X whilst they are learning how to manipulate solid foods with their mouths, and it is a really good reflex to have as it actually prevents choking! It's something which appears more frightening/unpleasant for the baby than it actually is!

...if the gagging/choking thing really freaks you out, most local red cross/st john's ambulance (or similar) organisation run free courses on basic first aid, some specifically with children - perhaps you could book yourself on one near you to boost your confidence should your lo actually choke?

...consider the impact of mealtimes on your lo. Do you all eat together as a family, or do you and dp eat separately to ds, and when he's eating you sit and stare at him intently watching every mouthful to see what happens? Eating as a family really emphasises how normal mealtimes and food and eating are, that whole 'stare-down' thing (to pinch another poster's phrase) can be really quite intimidating and off-putting for babies who often don't want to perform (well not in a positive way) under that sort of pressure. Eating together really shows just how normal the whole thing is, and it prevents parents anxiously watching, whilst los watch just how it should be done - all good stuff!

Anyway, HTH a bit, and once I've posted this I'll transfer this whole thread to Allergies for you!

Best Wishes,

Alison x

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Re: 11 months not eating FFoods
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2008, 10:52:01 am »
What finger foods have you tried up to now?


James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

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Re: 11 months not eating FFoods
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2008, 15:15:53 pm »
Thanks a lot. We have tried cereal... Cheerios, Gerber puffs, soft cheese, toast. He gets gassy and won´t eat the next feed. Also with yogurt.
[img width= height=][/img] [img width= height=][/img]

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Re: 11 months not eating FFoods
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2008, 16:55:48 pm »
It does sound like your lo has problems with dairy and a grain or possibly more than one. My ds can't have any grain that contains gluten. It might be worth sticking to fruit and vegetables for now as finger foods.

Here is some you could try. Make sure you cook them until soft but not mushy.

Apples slices
Pear slices
Whole asparagus spears
Carrots sticks/rounds or baby carrots
Zucchini or yellow squash rounds
Broccoli spears
Sweet potato slices or cubes
Whole green beans

I hope this is of some help.


James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker