i have a textbook 4 month old who has always taken really long naps - 1 1/2 to 2 hours no problem, and most of the time i was having to wake her up so she wouldn't sleep too long!
now since we've been back from christmas holidays it seems everything is going haywire! we have just switched from a 3 to a 4 hour EASY so the longer awake times may be to blame, but now she always wakes up on the 45 minute mark for her naps, and sometimes when we put her down for the evening as well. and she is cranky when she wakes up!
i have tried w2s and it works about half the time (but not sure if she would have slept through on her own anyway these times). i go in after 25 minutes and gently rouse her until i get a moan or she moves her head around, i also try to replace the soother which sometimes works and sometimes not. i've tried at the 30 minute mark but that seems to just wake her up completely. usually she'll sleep for another 45 minutes from the time i do the w2s.
when she wakes up early and is still tired i do shh pat and that will work to put her back to sleep for another 45 minutes on the nose. i'd like her to be able to sleep through on her own though.
i think she is overtired, but i don't know how to help her with this as she just keeps waking up which interrupts her sleep and adds to the OT problem! i try to put her down when she looks tired and think i am good at reading her cues, but at the same time i am trying to stretch her awake time to the 2 hours to keep her on schedule.
sorry that was long