Ok, what I would do now is work towards pushing that nap towards midday. That nap is too long & she's at an age where she will fight the afternoon nap if her mornng nap is that long. You either need to cut the morning nap down to 30mins & offer her a pm nap around 1pm:
7am - wake
10-10.30 - morning nap
1.30-3pm - afternoon nap
7pm - bedtime
OR you need to stick to 1 nap but push it out closer to middle of the day. She's awake too long before bedtime & its causing all this overtiredness/crankiess/night wakings.
Thats what I would look at doing! If she's cutting molars (ouch
) I would give her some pain relief but still you need to work on her nap being about 5-5.5hrs from the time she wakes & beditme no more than 5.5hrs from the time the nap ends (my dd at 20months can only do about 5hrs before bedtime so she's more sensitive to A times before bed but in the morning she's good on 5.5-6hrs A time).
Try to add 15mins to her A time in the morning every couple of days. She's still going to be a little tired but if you do a longer windown to extend the A time she'll slowly get used to being up. Take her out of the house in the morning... tiredness tends to be cured by outdoors with us.... & once you are closer to nap time do a longer windown & put her to bed.
Let me know what you think