Congrats! I just wanted to add that I had a preemie born at week 35. I pumped about twice a night, about every four hours and then brought it to the NICU for his feedings.
He was able to come home from the hospital at week 37. Three weeks after he was born, he went through a growth spurt. I wish someone would have told me that was coming! All of a sudden he fed every 2 hours and cluster fed all evening long!! (I was worried I wasn't giving him enough milk and ended up pumping 10 minutes after each feed to stimulate more milk. Unfortunately a few weeks later, I had too much milk and too forceful of a letdown which resulted in him choking!)
When your little one comes home from the hospital, you may find that she wants to eat more often! Perhaps it's to catch up w/ what she was supposed to do in utero!
Good luck and best wishes!!!