Author Topic: Nap extention without PU/PD bonus slept through the night !  (Read 658 times)

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Offline HeatherJulia

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Nap extention without PU/PD bonus slept through the night !
« on: January 12, 2008, 18:50:16 pm »
I wanted to share my recent success.  My lo is 4.5 months old and just over 12 pounds.  We were facing the 45 min nap and I thought that was o.k. until I read the many posts and she started waking every 30 mins for me to stick the paci back in and once to feed. so we tried wake to sleep to extend her naps.  Hoping if we work on the day sleep the nights would improve.  We have been at it for a little over a week and have been quite consistent, I haven't gone out, teaching sleep is more important right now.  It hasn't been easy however, last night I got a big bonus she slept from the DF at 11 until 6:20 !!!  Her naps are now 1.5 hours with still some encouraging from me.

Here is what we did, I hope it helps someone else.  I used principals from both the bwsayp and the no-cry sleep solutions by Elizabeth Pantley.
Day 1 - Took away the paci during the day she only has it at sleep times and going out. (if we ever do that again ;-0)  I thought it might help with learning to self sooth during the day.
-  I moved to a modified 3.5 hour easy.  I will post if anyone wants to see basically my sleep times were earlier due to she really cannot do more than 1.75 and I included a catnap.
-  Added an air purifier in our room that is quite loud for white noise reasons only and skipped the music for now.
- I didn't know what her mantra cry was due to I always rushed in, so I had to listen for that, I think I got it now. 
- I was also committed to not holding her until she fell asleep, I am guilty of that, I thought she was awake but, sleepy however, she was really asleep.

Here is what I did to extend naps at actual nap time.
I would read a book and finish it after I put her in her bed and use my sleep phrase- It's nap time, night night.  I still have to stick that nasty paci in a few times. (we will work on that)
I would go in at about 20 mins would stay the rest of the nap. (boring, bring something to read) and I first just waited for the jolt however, found the rubbing the cheek worked best at 30 mins then if the jolt happened I would shhh and lay my hand on her chest. ( I never found the shh/pat to be successful ever since she was newborn, it always upset her.) 
The first few days were rough, she always woke and didn't go back to sleep, so the no-cry sleep book suggested use whatever method to get her back to sleep, the goal afterall was to extend her naps.  So, when necessary I would pick her up and hold her until she went back to sleep, the first couple of days I did this and couldn't put her down everytime I did she would cry, so I held her for 45 mins of the nap or more like 35 after the shh and hand on chest just didn't work.  Over the last 2 days, I just have to shhh if she wakes no physical contact needed at all. YEAH!  Hopefully that Y in the easy is coming soon.

I hope this helps someone else out there in my situation, last week I was a worried I might never sleep for more than an hour again, and thought sleep training was silly glad I tried it.  Not looking forward the the steps backwards that are bound to happen however, now I know she can do it, that is nap for 1.5 hours and sleep all night (I was just hoping for 4 hours), so I will keep my focus on that while I continue to transition her to 4 hour EASY and next week she will be moving to her own room. Yikes !
Julia's Mom

Offline HeatherJulia

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Re: Nap extention without PU/PD bonus slept through the night !
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2008, 21:13:23 pm »
I forgot to add that I removed some overstimulating things from our routine.  I am very careful to only put her under the Gymini for short periods usually early in her A time and I use the chair but don't turn on the vibrator anymore.
I also changed her nipple to a higher flow during the day to help increase her milk intake.  I think she was going through a growing spurt due to it increased by 8-10 oz at first but, is now back to just a couple more a day.  She drinks about 30oz of pumped breast milk.

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Re: Nap extention without PU/PD bonus slept through the night !
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2008, 22:18:47 pm »
Fantastic!!  8)
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o