Not posting a link cos its short and mercifully sweet - at 18 months (2 days ago) we took the side off his cot, left the other side on with a bumper, put pillows and duvets on the floor, a stairgate on the doorway and the door open as usual.
Had to put him back to bed once after getting in, and resettle twice before 10 pm (both unusual) - cried out at 2.30am and self-settled, cried out again at 5.45 and self settled, woke up (me that is) at 7.10 with him calling to us from the gate holding his Thomas train and his room a sea of books! No idea how long he'd been awake, but don't really mind off a 7 am wake-up call on a Sunday.
2nd night tonight - climbed into bed himself, did storytime in his bed, kissed him goodnight and walked out - 1 hour later, not a peep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feeling very smug, but also prepared that this might not be the end of it, but here's hoping...