I think I'd also not allow TV so close to bedtime-- for some kids, it really stimulates them and keeps them up for a few hours afterwards. Try a no TV after dinnertime rule if at all possible. I don't think quiet play would be a problem as part of the wind-dowm but I think I'd do it before bath, in place of the TV. Then have snack, bath, then books. You might introduce some story-telling in the dark (we do this with DD1, who is three) or guided imagery to help her unwind. If my DD1 is particularly squirmy at bedtime, I do massage masked as a game (like turning her into a pizza-- kneeading and rolling the dough, etc.). Then lights out and kisses goodnight. I let DD1 listen to music as she falls asleep because it relaxes her and keeps her from getting up and playing, but some kids are more stimulated by music, so you've got to go by your own DD.
Also, what time does she wake in the morning? What time is naptime at daycare? A nap too late in the day, even if it's only an hour, will really affect bedtime. Over here naps must end by 2:30 unless we want her up past ten.