DD is 24 mos. Up until about a week ago, she was a fantastic sleeper. Bedtime 7:30 and wake 6:30 or 7. Nap was noon until 1:30 or 2. Then we don't know what happened. Nothing has changed in her daily routine. She's been at daycare since she was 8 mos. All of a sudden, she is waking at 5:30-6-ish and only napping for 1 hour. Usually DH will go in to her in the am to settle her because if I go in all is lost. She might be quiet for another 15-20 minutes, but then she's back to calling for me.
So this weekend I thought we'd try an earlier bedtime, having recalled how that has worked in the past with early wakings. So we put her down at 7 instead and yesterday she woke at 6:20 (an improvement) but today it was 5:45 again. I know I'm expecting it to happen too soon. But then I read another post in this forum that suggested a longer wake time before the nap and a later bedtime. But she's really tired at noon and I don't think she would make it happily until 2 or 3 for her nap. That could spell disaster.
I'm wondering if we should try an even earlier bedtime, although that will be tough getting dinner, bath and into bed by 6:30 since we get home at 5:30...
It did just occur to me that we got rid of her soother on Jan 5th (the day she turned 2). But we did so without a single complaint and no problems going to sleep or waking up, so I haven't connected that with her early wakings.
Any thoughts would be so appreciated. We were loving the later mornings but are now quickly getting very very tired again.