My son is 19 months old. He is a GREAT sleeper (well compared to my almost 4 year old who is still an awful sleeper)....bedtime around here is 7:00 pm. I prefer it to stay that way for both my kids because my 3 year old doesn't nap, and so she needs the early bedtime. My son usually sleeps 7-7:30ish.
Which brings up my issue. By 12:00 he's usually not ready to go down for his nap, but I put him down because I prefer the early nap time so he goes to bed early. Some days he goes right down and takes a nice nap, but other days (like today) he'll talk for an hour and then finally take a crappy nap at 1:00. Do you think if I moved his nap back to 12:30, he'd fall asleep right away and still go to bed at 7:00???
Any suggestions?