Author Topic: Deep breath and anti jinx dance  (Read 950 times)

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Deep breath and anti jinx dance
« on: January 23, 2008, 13:39:41 pm »
Abbis morn nap kept being refused, shortening, getting too late.  So yest I switched to 1 nap, it worked well, but only 1 hr 45 mins sleep (1 - 2:45).  Today we put her down at 11:50 and she is still asleep. Am a happy bunny! This will suit the family so much more as her and ds have the nap together leaving me with some ME TIME OMG!!!!!! And we can actually all go out as a family, might start going to the kiddies centre up the road, I am so happy this is going well sooooo far! She is nearly 13 months now.  It has been horrible as DD had a nap, then DS had a nap and then DD had 2nd nap, so couldnt leave house until 4pm each day, and was driving me nuts, I feel like things can be a little better now

Hurrah!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can I have some ~~~~~~keep on doing what you are doing Abbi~~~~~~~ vibes?

Means she will be in bed at 6:30pm but thats good as get half hour time with DS before his 7pm bedtime and it can be really cosy for reading books. 

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Re: Deep breath and anti jinx dance
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2008, 15:21:47 pm »
Emma Lou- that sounds great!

But don't count your chickens just yet- usually the 1st 1 day nap is the longest.  It may get increasingly shorter (about 1 hour 10 mins), so to avoid OT I would keep putting her to bed a little earlier.

Good luck!

And can you send some of those sleep vibes this way?  We're battling NWs, EWs, and 30 min naps.



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Re: Deep breath and anti jinx dance
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2008, 18:29:06 pm »
Hi Leslie, silly me, I counted my chickens yes.  She slept for 2 1/2 hrs so 12 - 2:30pm and I had to put her to bed at 6:15 she was a wreck...... is it normal

~~~~sleepy vibes your way too~~~~

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Re: Deep breath and anti jinx dance
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2008, 19:19:39 pm »
Yep, it's normal!

This is very similar to what happened to us, except Ollie was doing fine for his morning nap and refusing his pm nap. We switched him on to one nap (at around 13 months) and for the first couple of days he slept longer than ever. Then the naps got shorter and shorter.. we got down to around 45 mins. Then he started waking really early in the morning (5:30am for example). Then he started waking up several times during the night and taking ages to get back to sleep. Welcome to the wonderful world of OT!

However, I do think this could all have been avoided, so a few words of advice:
1. The early bedtime is KING! Don't be afraid to put her to bed before 6pm if she needs it. From what you've said today it seems like 3.5hrs A time in the afternoon is still quite a lot for her so maybe make that your rule.
2. Don't see this as a jump to one nap, but more the start of the transition. Just because one nap has been the right thing to do for the last couple of days, it doesn't mean that you can't do two naps tomorrow if she wakes earlier in the morning.
3. Be prepared for the transition to last a couple of months. At the moment, there are not enough hours in the day for her to fit in two naps with the A times she can handle BUT there are still too many hours in the day for her to cope with only having one nap. They kind of have to grow into it as they head towards 18 months.
4. Be flexible. If you do what you can to ensure that she gets the sleep that she needs then you may be absolutely fine. But if you don't pay attention to the signs you can very quickly end up in the land of OT, which is not a nice place to be, right Leslie?

Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly for you  :)
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Re: Deep breath and anti jinx dance
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2008, 19:22:19 pm »
Thanks so much for that info :) Am glad I stuck her in bed early :) I will give her 2 naps tomorrow.  I HATE transitions  :(

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Re: Deep breath and anti jinx dance
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2008, 19:27:07 pm »
I so kno what you mean em, I cant wait for E not to need so  many naps, feel like a prisoner in my own house!
 Keep it up abbi!!!

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Re: Deep breath and anti jinx dance
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2008, 19:54:21 pm »
I am convinced that it doesn't have to be a nightmare provided you're on the ball (as you are!). Just roll with it and make the most of the one nap days  :)
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Re: Deep breath and anti jinx dance
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2008, 20:49:10 pm »
hugs emma.  my DD started to switch to one nap right after her 1st bday.  it was kind of frustrating because it was hard for her because she was used to two naps but not tired enough anymore for two.  i would just keep offering the morning nap and if it got refused, just do the pm nap.  what time does she wake in the morning?  what is her usual A time - before she started to boycott the morning nap? 
you said she was OT by 6:15?  so 3.75 hours between nap and bed is too long for her ATM?