My DD is 10 weeks old, bottle fed since she was 2 weeks old. She generally has few problems, was perfectly healthy at birth, 8.6 pounds and very happy. She is constipated, we've tried different formulas before but nothing really works. We just had our 8 week doctors appointment and he gave her a little mineral oil that seemd to work.
For the past few days she's getting really fussy when we try to feed her. I've read the post about dysphagia and the thing is:
1. It doesn't happen at every feed, she's usually calm in the morning.
2. Once she calms down (which sometimes takes a few minutes and several attempts) and I actually get her to eat she seems fine, eats anywhere from 3 to 5 ounces).
3. She usually calms down after she's eaten.
4. She continues to be fussy even after the bottle is taken away.
5. She has never been congested.
Here is some additional information, my mother has been visiting us so her schedule is definately out of wack. This fussiness started before my mom got here though and she actually seems more fussy during the daytime in general. Her nighttime sleep is excellent, we put her down between 8 amd 9 pm and she usually sleeps until 4:30 to 5:30 AM with one dreamfeed at 11 PM. On Tuesday she was diagnosed with hip dyspasia and has been put into a Pavlik harness for the next 6 weeks.
I don't know whether or not to be worried. Anyone out there have any experience with this kind of behavior?