Sure its something like this,
5.30-5.45am wakes (but dont get him out til 6.15am)
6.30am 7oz bottle
7.30am breakfast
9.00am nap 1/2 hour to hour depending on him!
11.30-11.45 lunch and 6oz bottle
1.30-2.00pm nap for 1.5hr - 2hr (if lucky)
3.30-4.00 dinner of solids with juice
6.30 bath bottle (7-8oz) bed routine, inc massage.
falls sleep anything between 7.15pm and 7.45pm, becoming quite restless some nights.
He is a very active baby and needs a lot of stimulation, I always wind him down before naps/bed but he just gets in his cot and starts playing around til he is so tired he falls sleep. Also dummy dropping a lot lately or wanting it when he stirs!
Sorry this is long winded but thought id better give the overall picture.
Any advice greatly appreciated
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