Author Topic: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!  (Read 4212 times)

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Offline deckchariot

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2008, 21:32:55 pm »
I'm now in the process of extending A time a bit too, so I'm in the same if only I could get the book and bath deal too!

Offline laurenhendo

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2008, 22:47:26 pm »

Well, she absolutely did not want to go down for her pm nap yesterday, she had been up 3.25 hours and even though i was trying to wind her down by reading a story, she was having none of it and kept pulling herself up to standing using my leg...i ended up just putting her to bed and she went off 15 minutes later (3.5 hrs A time) maybe thats the magic (everchanging) number...who knows!

Hubby is leaving in a few hours and I have a headache :(

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2008, 22:17:53 pm »
for me, it is a bit of a game trying to find that "magic number" I'm currently guessing at somewhere between 3 hr 15 and 3.5, but we'll see....

go take a long bath and read a good book.....I'm planning to watch the Super Bowl

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2008, 22:32:21 pm »
Hey again :)

Well, we are having more success with 3.5 hours. I know it's a lot, but she seems to handle it well. When i put her down lately at 3.25 hrs she fights me and just stands up in her cot talking for 15 minutes before falling asleep. When i put her down at 3.5 hours, she doesnt complain, turns over and goes straight to sleep. So will keep it at 3.5 hrs for now and adjust if she becomes OT, but it seems unlikely.

She has started night waking again after sleeping through, and i thought maybe OT, but she seems ravenous...i think it might be that because she has had hardly any appetite when she was cutting teeth maybe she is trying to make up for it...who knows!

Enjoy the Superbowl! That's grid-iron isn't it? (im Aussie)...i know i always really look forward to our Rugby grand finals..complete with lots of yummy food to munch on!

LH xxoo

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2008, 03:46:36 am »
Glad the 3.5 A time is working for you!  NWs for hunger could be a carryover from not eating well while teething.  If they continue, you might want to post about that on the NW board (I'm no help on that...I've got my own NW issues at the moment!)

yep, Superbowl is grid-iron....and we did have lots of yummy food!  And the team we were cheering for won, so it was a good to bed now (you're probably in the middle of your day already...)

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2008, 04:06:53 am »
Yep, i'm very happy the naps are working out well...the 2nd nap of the day needs to be adjusted if the 1st nap isnt as long as i would like, but that's no bother.

We are just starting to come into that phase where if she naps too long in the afternoon, it means she will go to bed very late, so i sometimes have to wake her up.. and i NEVER thought i would have to do that, they grow up so fast!

I think the NW's are carrying over from the teething, but lots of fatty avocado before bed will usually fix that right up. We had lots of NW when we introduced cereal, so we dont have much of that now and she is usually a good sleeper at night.

I knew the Patriots were in the Superbowl (my friend in the US goes for them) but i cant remember which other team there was, NY Giants?

Anyways, hope you get a good nights sleep!


Offline deckchariot

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2008, 16:00:35 pm »
I've just started having to wake Abby from naps too - never thought I'd have to do that.  Although today, she's fighting her first nap, not sure what's up with that (dh is there now), I'm thinking teething too!

Yes, NY Giants - and they won the Super Bowl, so folks here are pretty happy (I'm in NYC).  Abby had a few NWs, but I think that's because of the party going on here....

Offline laurenhendo

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2008, 20:15:34 pm »
Around how long does their A time go at your lo's age? Do you ever run out of things to do with her? Sometimes i think my lo gets a bit bored just crawling around after me at home. We go out to the shops sometimes and go to the indoor pools, but still...i wish i knew some activites to do with her at home!

Yes i can imagine it would be quite loud in NYC hehehe, but exciting too!
How many teeth has she got coming in?

LH xo

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2008, 22:40:40 pm »
A time can vary from 3-4 hrs at this time, and yes, I sometimes run out of things to do - she plays with her toys, then we practice standing and walking, then I try to do some housework while she plays, we go to the store, she eats (that takes time).  Ive not looked on the A boards, but I'm sure they've got good ideas there too.

I think Abby's got just one tooth coming in (I think.....if not, I have no idea why she's so crabby lately)

Offline laurenhendo

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2008, 02:21:06 am »
Glad to hear im not the only one who runs out of things to do sometimes hehehe :)

I will have to have a look on the A boards to check out the activities.

I know for a fact now my lo gets crabby when she has eaten something that doesn't agree with her tummy. Most of the time if i can figure out that it's not teething, she has no reason to be tired, bored etc..usually it is because of the new food i've tried her on...seems to have a pretty sensitive tummy but it is getting better all the time. We had lots of NW and crappy naps when we stated cereal, so we dropped it and she is only just starting to have some recently without any ill effects.

Is this the 1st tooth for your Abby?


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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2008, 19:30:50 pm »
If indeed Abby is teething, this will be #3 for her.  The first one was a bear, the second one just popped through, and this one...well...I don't know.

Abby seems to love any type of food we give her, and she eats like a freak.  Good for  you to notice a pattern with the NW and bad naps....that's my problem now, there doesn't seem to be any pattern, so I'm just taking each day as it comes  :)


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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2008, 22:16:53 pm »
I think is spoke too soon.

My lo had a great night sleep last night, and i woke this morning to hear her giggling in her cot, funny thing! But max 2 hrs later she was sooo tired and cranky and constantly rubbing her eyes, very not knowing what to do, i put her to bed where she crashed out!

Not im really thinking maybe she woke up long before she woke me up with her giggling....or maybe she's got another tooth coming up and her sleep last night was a bit restless....orrrrrrrrr the 3.5hrs A time is too much...


Offline deckchariot

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2008, 16:49:18 pm »
It could just be a one time thing, but good for you to watch her cues.  She may indeed have woken up before you knew it, or she's got something else going on and is more tired than usual.   See how long she naps and then just make adjustments from there.  You're doing great!

Offline laurenhendo

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2008, 22:13:37 pm »
Hey there :)

Well, i looked over my log yesterday (i write down her nap times, how long she slept, night wakings etc) and i noticed that on average her nap length is 1 1/4 hours. Even on the days when i wake her up from her am nap at the 1 hr mark, the pm nap is only ever 1 1/4 hours and then she's on the go, standing up in her cot and bouncing around! impossible to settle for anoher 15 minutes hehehe

Oh well, i think 1 1/4 hours is not too bad for her naps and she is still sleeping well at night, despite her waking up sometimes to do the stand/bounce thing in her cot (i wonder if if it the Tigger sleeping bag she has on? :))

Hubby arrived home last night, so he kept an eye on what time she woke up and she was fine this morning :)


Offline deckchariot

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Re: Naps getting shorter....Can't figure it!
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2008, 20:59:21 pm »
If she's gettin 2 1/2 hrs total nap time, that's probably right where she needs to be, so looks good.  Does kind of make you miss the 2 hrs naps that we would occasionally get in the earlier months though.  Is she getting 11-12 at night?  Then shes doing great!