Author Topic: Food Rut - need ideas!!  (Read 20789 times)

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Re: Food Rut - need ideas!!
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2008, 00:52:49 am »
Thanks Pauline, needed to hear that.  I haven't gotten that far in BW for toddlers.  I know you've had some extra time since you been sickly.  Get to feeling better girl!  V is the same way.  She ate some bananas, and a rice cake today for snack, and two sippy cups full of milk for supper.  I am very discouraged today.  I've been up since 3am.  Gave V a little bit of milk when she woke at 3am, and she wanted more and more, and I wasn't doing it and she got ed, and didn't go back to sleep till 5am.  I couldn't sleep, so a verrrrryyy long morning!!!

She didn't eat supper tonight, probably because I gave her too big of a pm snack, too close to supper.  I am still trying to figure out timing, and amounts to offer her.  It has changed, YET AGAIN from being sick this last week.  I need a full night's sleep.  Heading to bed now - at 7:52pm grrrr

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Re: Food Rut - need ideas!!
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2008, 17:31:07 pm »
Really sorry to hear you've had such a bad day.  When Alice was born a friend said to me, no matter how bad today is, tomorrow is a new day, you can start all over again.  As Stuart puts it, like a reset button over night.  I really hope you get Vaden's sleep sorted soon, you probably feel worse because you're not sleeping.   :-* :-*  Read a bit more today in the eating section and she does say not to worry about eating, because they will get what they need and they all go through fads.  I feel a bit more happy about it today after reading that.

I think I would try and sort one thing at once, for your sanity more than anything else and that would be the sleep.

Much and hugs to you.

Alice (30th March 2007)

The Lord is my Shepherd, I'll not want.

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Offline vadensmommy

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Re: Food Rut - need ideas!!
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2008, 03:16:20 am »
Thanks dear,
last night was better.  She woke twice.  Once at midnight - offered just water, which she swatted away after just a few sips, put her right back down, and then about 15min after that we did the same, and she went right back to sleep with only a few more sips of milk, and slept till 7:15.  I think this is one of the first nights in a loooooong time that she hasn't had any milk to drink.  Progress I think.

She ate a better supper tonight, and ate some things that she had quit eating, so that was good, and a good amount of milk before bed.  Cried out at 10, but soothed herself back to sleep in just a minute or two.  Got my sippy of water ready in the fridge for tonight if it is needed, and will do my best not to offer milk tonight.  We'll see if it is any better. 

She's weirdly been waking at either midnight, or 3am for the past few nights.  And it goes back and forth.  Two nights ago it was 3, last night midnight, we'll see if it is 3am tonight.  Strange.

Hope you are feeling better!!!  Am trying to keep myself sane with what V will and won't eat.  I swear she eats string cheese and cheese tortellini with tomato sauce every night.  She'll only eat chicken for meat - and only when it is freshly cooked, or reheated and is still juicy.  Once it cools and gets a bit tougher she won't touch it.  Strange child :P

Offline grahamsmama

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Re: Food Rut - need ideas!!
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2008, 01:16:45 am »
Meghan has started waking for milk in the middle of the night too.  Last night she took a bottle and a half!  So, today I was determined to get as much food into her as I possibly could! 
My kids eat a lot of cheese and pasta too.  I've started adding pureed veggies to the tomato sauce, carrots/squash/pumpkin hide nicely.  And I make pancakes with various fruits and veggies in them. 
Today I made some meatballs with ground turkey, but they were a bit tough, so I added tomato sauce and Meghan ate a ton of that! 
Don't worry too much, the next few years will be like this.  One day they will eat pickled turnips and you'll think "my child will eat anything!" and the next day they'll only accept plain pasta.  LOL

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Re: Food Rut - need ideas!!
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2008, 01:35:52 am »
Hey grahamsmama - thanks for the support
The last two nights I've gotten away only offering V water, which she continues to refuse, and then won't let me put her down till she's been rocked till she's practically asleep.  We're going out of town for the weekend, but next week, I told DH that we had to put a game plan together, and then come hell or high water, stick to it - no matter how much she cries.  It's like she's forgotten how to self soothe, and gets absolutely hysterical if you don't pick her up out of the crib, or if you try to put her back in the crib before SHE is ready. 

She goes to sleep at night pretty good - better than it was before, but I think her ears were bothering her before.  But I know she is feeling better now, because after 40min of a half hearted attempt at wi/wo/pd, I rocked her till she calmed down, and then put her down, and she slept from 11:20-7:10 this morning with only a tiny cry out around 6am.  So I know hunger is not her problem currently, nor her ears.  She is teething, but she's going to be doing that for the next 2 years, and I CANNOT continue getting up with her for at least 15min-2hrs every night because she doesn't want to fall asleep on her own again. 

I realize this is a post about food, but any sleep advice you moms have would be invaluable.

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Re: Food Rut - need ideas!!
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2008, 17:39:41 pm »
I unfortunately don't have any advice because we're in the same boat.  Meghan used to go to sleep on her own and could settle herself at night and now she seems to have forgotten how.  I think it's partially separation anxiety and partially toddler attitude!

Offline Meditrina

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Re: Food Rut - need ideas!!
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2008, 01:44:31 am »
some of these recipes sound great, I will have to try them for my ds.  He keeps going on breast strikes and refusing to eat solids as well....Right now he is in one of these phases so I will have to wait.  I am excited about trying the sweet potato quesadilla!  Also he will not allow me to spoon fed him anymore and just hits it away so the more finger foods the better...I made "fries" out of russet potatoes, sweet potatoes and rutabaga that he seems to like because he can feed himself.   Thye freeze and defrost really well too...

Offline Meditrina

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Re: Food Rut - need ideas!!
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2008, 01:49:06 am »
Haha, I need to start reading both pages before posting!  My addition was a little off topic!