Hey grahamsmama - thanks for the support
The last two nights I've gotten away only offering V water, which she continues to refuse, and then won't let me put her down till she's been rocked till she's practically asleep. We're going out of town for the weekend, but next week, I told DH that we had to put a game plan together, and then come hell or high water, stick to it - no matter how much she cries. It's like she's forgotten how to self soothe, and gets absolutely hysterical if you don't pick her up out of the crib, or if you try to put her back in the crib before SHE is ready.
She goes to sleep at night pretty good - better than it was before, but I think her ears were bothering her before. But I know she is feeling better now, because after 40min of a half hearted attempt at wi/wo/pd, I rocked her till she calmed down, and then put her down, and she slept from 11:20-7:10 this morning with only a tiny cry out around 6am. So I know hunger is not her problem currently, nor her ears. She is teething, but she's going to be doing that for the next 2 years, and I CANNOT continue getting up with her for at least 15min-2hrs every night because she doesn't want to fall asleep on her own again.
I realize this is a post about food, but any sleep advice you moms have would be invaluable.