Hey there, DD is now 10 weeks and 4 days, had been doing pretty well on a 3 hr EASY routine but recently have had some issues. Lately she's taking only 45 minute naps and I'm wondering if she needs to be transitioned to a 3.5 hr EASY routine? I'm watching her cues and she starts yawning after only about 1 hr to 1 hr 15 minutes, so I normally take her to the nursery, do the wind down and she goes down rather easily, at least in the mornings. By the end of the day she's definately a fuss but she's certainly fine in the earlier hours. Should I try to keep her down for the full 1 hr 30 minutes, using shush/pat etc or does it sound like she needs a different schedule? Again, she's usually pretty happy during the daytime, even with the shorter naps, gets fussy towards 5-7p, but she still smiles etc.