Author Topic: Going out of town, how to handle?  (Read 997 times)

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Going out of town, how to handle?
« on: January 29, 2008, 05:16:41 am »
It's me again and no she STILL won't take a bottle.  I mean, she is flat out refusing taking any of it at this point.

I am soooooooooooo over worrying about, I have her on somewhat of a schedule that works.  She gets the milk in her cereal instead and they offer water in a sippy which she takes after meals (she will not take breastmilk from anything - sippy, cup, dropper, spoon - we have tried it all!).  Anyway, the reason for the post:

I am going to be out of town from 7am next Wednesday until Midnight that Friday.  So, what is that, less than 72 hours.  I have a freezer stock, with probably enough milk for 2 of those days.  But that does NOT include what I call "burning" through it when she won't take it.  Which I know will happen the entire first day.  I am guessing by day 2 she'll give in. 

Ironically, I went out of town with DD1 at about the same age and did not have anything in the freezer.  We gave her formula the whole time and she took it from the bottle no prob after the first day.  The sad part is she weaned quickly after that, she liked the formula.  I am not ready for dd2 to wean and would like to see her go well past the 1 year mark.

So, I know I need to leave formula and I know that they will use it.  If she is like her sister, she will like it.  Not totally devistating to me because she could get formula for her 11am feed that she usually misses when I am at work. 

Okay, get to the point right?  What type of formula should I use as she has been exclusively breastfed.  She is on solids, loves her food.  I'm a bit worried about milk because I gave her yogurt and she had loose poops for 3 days.  So I am probably just going to go with Soy.  Any other suggestions?

Mommy to:
Annabelle 7-30-03
Molly 5-15-07

Offline Samuel's mum

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Re: Going out of town, how to handle?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2008, 10:24:40 am »
As your questions are about bottle-feeding and not breastfeeding I'm popping your post over :) BF mums can follow the link. Hope that's OK.

For others discussing types of formula - I note you are in the USA.

I'm sorry this is a worrying time but it's good she takes milk in cereal. Maybe try mixing formula and ebm?
Hope your trip goes well.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2008, 10:27:53 am by Samuel's mum »
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Offline annabellesmommy

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Re: Going out of town, how to handle?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2008, 14:24:28 pm »
I had a feeling it would get moved.  It seems that all of my posts get moved to bottle feeding but then I get no responses.  And the reason I put them in the BF section is because she is breastfeeding with one bottle a day.  I am interested in hearing responses from other breastfeeding Mom's who might have some experience with something similar.

I suppose I'll just go with it and it will all work out the way it is supposed to.  Thanks.

Mommy to:
Annabelle 7-30-03
Molly 5-15-07

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Re: Going out of town, how to handle?
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2008, 14:51:55 pm »
Sorry you're having this stress,have some hugs to go with it!! My ds was BF until about 8 1/2 months but my dh gave him the DF as a bottle of formula from very early on and for him it wasn't a problem. He also had the odd day when I'd have to work at the weekend and would have nearly all bottles...also of formula and not expressed breast milk as I just didn't have any success expressing. He'd always go right back to BF following these times,although I could've just been really lucky I guess!! I used SMA just cos that's what I remembered my little sis having (she's 9 years younger than me) so I felt like a "real" mummy,doing what I remember watching my mum do!!!! If she's having soya over her cereal I think I'd probably stick with that as it's a familiar taste. Hope it goes well!!  :)
Jen, proud mummy to my sleeping angel baby 9 weeks 16.12.07 and

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Re: Going out of town, how to handle?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2008, 15:07:05 pm »
Annabelle's mommy - I'm sorry you feel that way about the post being moved. It's tough because the breastfeeding board is one of the more popular ones in terms of new posts and you are right that your post may get more eyes but then the same could be said of a sleep post where someone is getting lots of nightwakings and wants the bf perspective on nightwakings - kwim?

I'm going to try and make more of an effort to encourage people to follow the links and I'll write a new thread on the subject in your honour.

It might be easier to break your post up a bit and think about subject headings. So do 'formula recommendations in the US for a breastfeeder please' as one post on bottlefeeding but then ask 'soya formula - your thoughts?' on allergies perhaps.

Sorry I can't be more help.
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Offline grahamsmama

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Re: Going out of town, how to handle?
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2008, 15:28:49 pm »
Does she have any trouble when you eat dairy? 
I guess the options would be cow's milk, soy, lactose free, gentlease, or hypoallergenic.  Any symptoms other than loose stools with the yogurt?  My dd gets loose stools with dairy and it's lactose intolerance. 
Since it's only for a few days, you could just play it safe and give her a hypoallergenic formula.  I'm not sure those taste as good, though.  My dd took it fine when breastfeeding.