Hi everyone,
I wondered if I can pick your brains about Dominic's early wakings. He used to wake anywhere between 6.30-7am but for over a week he has been waking at 5am. I've got a 11 week old little boy and nightfeeds on top of Dom's early wakings are a killer!
I've been suspecting for a while he is teething, but the only symptom is that he is a bit dribbly, so wonder if I'm now clutching at straws for a reason as to why he's waking.
Dom was having a lunchtime nap for upto 2 hours, but I didn't let him sleep past 2pm, which left around 5 hours A time in the afternoon before his 7pm bedtime. My sister suggested cutting down his nap so for the last 3 days I've let him have an hour. On Monday morning he started to whine at 5.20am, I didn't go in until 5.40 when he started to properly cry. This morning he woke at 4.30am. He was wet though which can't have helped.
I would like to now what sort of nap time he should be having now, if you think he was napping for too long or if by cutting down his nap he's going to end up overtired.
Thanks in advance